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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Akankah 10ku terganti ?

Akankah kini 17 menggantikan 10 sayang ? Akankah 17 menjadi abadi ? Akankah 17 lebih indah dari 10 ? Akankah 17 lebih memiliki waktu dari 10 ? Akankah 17 lebih mengerti dari 10 ? Akankah 17 lebih membantu dari 10 ? Akankah 17 lebih berguna dari 10 ?
Aku rasa seluruh jawaban diatas adalah 'iya'
Tentang 10 yang sudah masa lalu , tentang 10 yang tak punya waktu , tentang 10 yang tak mengerti apapun segi kehidupanmu , tentang 10 yg tak pernah bisa membantu kesulitanmu , tentang 10 yang tak ada guna nya dihidupmu.
Tentang segala kekurangan 10 yang membuatmu lelah dan jengkel.
Aku tak tau bagaimanakah sekarang rupa sang 17 ? Apakah benar wanita yg sedang merangkulmu ?
10 yang sangat curiga dqn pencemburu.
Ya 10 itulah aku. Aku merasa tak adil sakit hati sedih kecewa sayang.
Tentang segala kekurangan yang sangat kuakui dan kau menonjolkannya. Selayaknyq seorang wanita cacat yg tak memiliki tangan. Kqmu berusaha meyakinkanku bahwa segala kekuranganku akan kau terima tentang janjimu yang tak akan mengungkit kecacatan wanitanya. Didepannya kamu kasihan dan menunjukan pedulimu. Tapi dibelqkangku kamu mencibirku dengan segala kekuranganku. Tanpa kau ucapkan wanita cacat itu jelas mengetahui kecacatan dalam dirinya. Dia tak bisa membantumu saat kau butuh uluran tangannya. Tapi apa yg bisa dilakukan dia tak punya tangan, hanya kaki yg bisa diulurkan. Tapi kamu malah membalasnya sebagai wanita tak berguna. Dia sudah berusaha sayang jangan terus memojokannya. Tapi yasudahlah itu dirimu dan ini diriku sayang. Aku terus berusaha sabar membiarkanmu mempermainkanku untuk terus menjadi bonekamu sayang.
Aku lah 10mu dengan segala kekuranganku. Aku lah yang selalu menunjukan kekecewaan ku lewat sosial media. Maaf karena aku senang menulis sayang. Aku tak bisa menghentikan ini. Aku akan terus menceritakan segala hal tentangmu.
Ini sebuah kebodohan atau cinta ? Banyak diantara mereka mengatakan ini adalah kebodohan. Tapi bagiku ini cinta.
Karena cinta tau kemana dan kapan dia harus pulang :) maaf kebodohanku yang berharap selalu menunggumu diakhir kisah.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bussiness for Student ; The pulse selling bussiness

The pulse selling business venture tricky, because this business is easy to start with a relatively small capital, even with money Rp 50.000, - we can even start selling pulses. In addition, this business is really almost no risk.

The trouble, we had to was really creative to develop a business turnover of electrical pulses because otherwise our efforts will never develop. Alias ​​that's it. In addition, the creative needed to face competition with other sellers or even counter pulses with greater capital.

1 Vs 1 Chip 1 Chip All Operator Operator

The definition of 1 chip 1 chip carrier is authorized directly issued by mobile operators such as Mkios, Mtronik, Dompul, Evo, STK Tri and others. So the process of the transaction directly to the provider, rather than through a server or a third party.

Excess 1 chip pulse 1 carrier confirmed entry, the process is faster, the price could be cheaper if the deposit with the lot number, eg if a deposit of 1 billion will get a discount of 3%, and so on.

The drawback, complicated ngurusin stock in masing2 1 card for 1 card provider, for example, 1 card Mkios (As and Sympathy) masing2 his stock should be taken into account, which consists of the nominal stock Mkios 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 100. So we buy stock eg 5ribu 100 pieces denom, denom 10rb many as 50 pieces and so on. Likewise with the other operators.

To get it please visit the outlets of each operator to pay a certain price. This method is not recommended for beginners because in addition to more complicated that one chip can only be used for one operator, so to sell pulses must have chips all carriers and requires no small amount of capital.

While we will discuss further here is one chip all operators as more suitable for beginners in the business of credit.

1 chip all the operator's intention is to process the transaction passes Parties to 3, which passes through one server chip all operators. so all the operator's server is only an intermediary between sellers pulses with different pulse operators.
The surplus does not need complicated ngurusin stock of each operator. 1 stock / deposit for all operators. For example, we deposit the server to Rp 100,000, then the amount can to transact any carrier number.
The drawback, a bit slow in the process, it also relies on increasingly sophisticated servers, the faster the transaction process. Pulse is not always ensured always get in, because sometimes one server chip carriers they will also take stock of the server to another. In addition, the price is usually more expensive jg more about Rp. 50-100an silver of the original price if you take directly to the operator, but comparable to that obtained practicality.

Things You Need to Do Before Starting Selling Toll

Choosing the Right HP
Why become an important choice hp? for sale pulse using SMS from hp for the entire transaction. Choose HP its not too much so that the battery last longer, as long as it is needed SMS only. It would be better hp that can be dual sim and use the most efficient number for sms eg Three and number one for any operator may be used as a backup for paralleled. But if it can not match the criteria above what HP can also be used.
Capital Prepare Early For Deposit.
Most servers now eliminate all operator pulse application fee and a minimum deposit that is not too big. Capital Prepares Rp 50,000 - Rp 100,000, more is better not let me back and forth to fill deposits.
Choose Toll The Trusted Server.
Please read tips on choosing a reliable pulse server and trustworthy.
Market Price Survey.
Do a small survey to find out the market price of pulses around the place you want to sell, not to sell at a higher price than other sellers.
Perform Promotion
Promotion can be done in a simple way, such as spreading pamphlets / brochures, make a banner for your counter. Highly recommended for promotion in social networking because you have a viral effect of social networking is great for promotion, especially if you possessed your friends / followers are passable.
Important Things to Forget But Often in business selling electrical pulses!

Enroll in more than one server pulse is important, Why? Already a law of nature that no one is perfect in this world, as well as the pulse server. No matter how good a software enginenya, how powerful PC servers in use there must be times when the server is slow, late transactions, server maintenance, network down, the stock is empty and seabreg other problems.

But do not worry, that's the point why enroll in more than it is on the server suggest, certainly for those of you who are really serious in the business of selling these electrical pulses and prioritize services. Because of customers will be disappointed if when they come to your stall, but it turned out being disorders.

In addition, registering gains in two different servers is that we can choose the most affordable price choose when conducting a transaction, for example, we register on Server A that price simpatinnya indosatnya expensive but the price is cheap and Server B for the price of sympathy

Bussiness for Student : Service Bussiness

This business is suitable for students who have the expertise that really qualified.

For example, you are great in the field of drawing, you can sell your services to draw, or maybe you are great in the field of English language, you can sell services into a translator, or a teacher of English and many other jobs yan can do if you have qualified skills. Guaranteed you can certainly pay for your tuition fees until graduation. Ameen..

You should be ready to start and run a business and service that you do. You and your business must be a proper couple. Maybe you have an interest and experience specific to the business or service, but it does not necessarily make the right partner. Here are some points for consideration when determining a suitable business partner.

* Do you have the financial resources to start or buy a business, and sufficient funds to finance the daily operations of the business to break even and profitable? If not, probably not a suitable partner, and you should consider other alternatives.

* Does the business have the opportunity to provide the income you need for personal use, and is also likely to provide the income you want? It's very important, because if you can not afford to pay private bills, then you will get problems. And if, from time to time you can not generate the income you want to generate, you will lose interest in the business - and this could be disastrous.

* Are you physically fit enough to cope with physical stress when starting and running a business? If not, you need to pay someone to do the work, which could be a problem if the revenue can not sustain the wages of management and employees.

* Do you have a role in the experience of this type of business or service, or if you have certain skills that can be used in business? You can gain experience and knowledge in the workplace but skills that can be honed and used immediately is a very valuable thing.

* Is there a particular certificate or the educational requirements necessary to start and run a business, and whether it is rare to be found? Find the initial costs associated with it, how to get it, and the time frame required to obtain a specific certificate. Training and certification should not be viewed negatively because of the return of investment of time and substantially rewarded financially. Whatever is worth doing, worth doing well.

* Will you enjoy running a business, and is in accordance with the type of personality and level of maturity you? This is very important. If you think you will not enjoy it, then do not start it. Once again, lost interest in the business is a devastating thing. You do not have the motivation and foster a new challenge if you do not like what you do.

Bussiness for Student : MLM Bussiness

Consciously or unconsciously, many companies use a multi-level marketing system to market its products, it caused a lot of advantages that can by perusaah and actors bisnisnya.percaya or MLM business is one tool kit pick our expectations, but of course we have to very clever to choose the type of MLM businesses that we will follow.

MLM or Multi Level Marketing is a sales system that utilizes the power of consumers as a direct distributor. The price of the goods offered at the consumer level is the commission plus the price of production into consumer rights because it has indirectly helped the smooth distribution (Definitions from wikipedia). Over time, the MLM business travel continues to grow in Indonesia. Although it has not yet reached the height of glory as in other countries, not least in Indonesia MLM is already running. That means there are those who welcome the Indonesian MLM business.

Bussiness for Student ; Culinary Bussiness

Not everyone can always serve food at home and many of them are choosing foraging outside the home. Whether it's snacks and heavy meals. Seeing these opportunities, it is no wonder that so many are now emerging restaurant or restaurant that offers different kinds of delicious dishes. It is in fact this very promising business.

With the proliferation of the culinary industry, the culinary business is also not without obstacles and difficulties. Competition is getting tougher and to survive we must have advantages not shared by other culinary shop. Basically, it involves all the culinary business areas such as procurement of equipment and raw materials, quality control, menu innovation, pricing strategy and many others.

Would be much better if this culinary business undertaken by a person who like to eat. A business that started from a hobby going forward and growing faster. Before starting a culinary business, you'll want to learn in advance what are the things to consider, including:

Learning to be experienced. Before starting a business, you need to first learn how to develop the business of culinary experts. Such information will provide insight and motivation to self in achieving success.

Identification of products. Identification of the product is very important to know what kind of people eat, shop and are much in demand. This is promising for your long-term business prospects. Do not be easily tempted to glance at the food establishment that is a trend. Indeed, while culinary trends you will sell well, but if it is past that time you may experience losses due to reduced demand. Therefore, food trends provide only as a complement to the menu instead of the main menu.

Standardization of recipes and believe ability. When trying to open culinary business, it is important for you to measure the feasibility of cuisine that you will sell. Share your food to friends, relatives or your family and ask for their opinion about the taste of your product. Their opinions can be a valuable input for you. If you get a positive response cuisine then you need to consider next is not to outsiders megetahui your recipes. You need to separate the ordinary recipe and your secret recipe. To maintain continuity of culinary business, you also need to develop the innovations on your prescription to always be the first choice of the customers. Ability is also the capital of paramount importance in any business conduct, including culinary. The ability of self can also be enhanced by continuing to learn more about the business of being cultivated.

Forming a team. Teams are people who can help smooth your business, for starters you can ask for help aid workers to relatives or siblings. If the gain is sufficient, you can hire the services and labor of others as needed.

Marketing the product. The marketing strategy will determine the success of your business. Distribution is an important aspect in it. If you have a large capital could try to open several outlets at once, but if limited to first focus on a single outlet. Location is also important to note, choose a location close to the hustle yag. In addition, the promotion is also equally important, you need to deploy your product brochures to the crowd. Technological developments can also help you market your product more widely. The trick is to promotion via the web and social networking, is quite powerful way to attract customers to come to your outlet.

Bussiness for Student : Reseller Bussiness

"Business is fitted to the student" that is desired by a number of students who did pay for college on their
own, especially those who are not students are capable of.
That way they have a Business Is Right for side income students to finance their day-to-day life.
But, what job can they do?
On the other hand they vacate the time for college, then have to provide more time to work.
It would be very difficult to do if they do not have enough time to work.
Because time is often seized by the duties of the campus where they study.
Continues, how to earn extra income, if we as students whose time is often seized by the duties of the campus.
Way Business Is Right For Students is the business side, so it does not require much time and can be assisted by another person.
Continues, what business can be done by a student?
Well, here i want to share with you 5 businesses suitable for students :


Reseller business is a business that is very popular among online businesses. One of the most popular is reseller dropship ladies clothes. Dropship resellers have many advantages, of which the excess was to answer the problem many people who want to start a business but have not had the capital.
Of course, because of the excess business is a reseller, a reseller does not have to think about the procurement of capital goods, because your job is simply to work closely with suppliers to market their products. Only capital goods picture, all the procedures will be performed by your supplier. Ranging from the provision of goods, packing up the delivery of goods.
However, the easiest way as it was, there are still many people who have not successfully run the reseller business. The reason most are unsold goods, less competition with other resellers. Though the product is good enough.
So, how successful tips to become a reseller?
Actually there are many factors that determine the success of a reseller. However, without mastering the basics to be a successful reseller, as well as any way will not provide maximum results.
Well, here are some basics that will support your success as a reseller. Here we are not talking about marketing techniques / tips web optimization, but some simple things that come from ourselves, but unfortunately often forgotten.
Focus, patience, hard work and consistent - how to successfully become a reseller
Try to imagine and position yourself as the BUYER.
A FB friend, suddenly looks to sell clothes on their account. Still good things. And actually you are interested to buy it. Roughly, what would you do? What you will immediately order the goods? I am sure, of course you will see-saw first.
In addition to sight-seeing stuff, you certainly will find information about the seller, comparing prices and so on. It is not immediately want to know, whether the seller is a seller who has a good credibility, and reliable course.
Now, position yourself as SELLER.
After the first time publish a product, how long your customers come first? 1 day? 1 week? Of course the answer will be different every seller. 1 month there is a new first sale, is this fair? Of reasonable and experienced by many novice sellers.
In simple, this stage is the stage of introduction. Introduction to prospective customers, that you are the seller, you have a product and you can meet the needs of your potential customers.
This stage is the stage that could be considered important and difficult and boring (which is already a successful entrepreneur will always remember this moment, and proudly tell others as learning).
Unfortunately, many novice sellers who have given up at this stage, even before the prospective customers know that you are the seller, you have a product and you can meet the needs of your potential customers!
And try to compare between:
Seller who promote their products once a week, rarely gives information about a product, consumers rarely answer questions
Seller is diligent to promote their products, educate prospective customers, provide information about the product that you have, the advantages and reasons why they should buy your product.
Approximately, where the seller will get a faster sale and a lot? I think the second option is the most appropriate answer.
So, back again, one key to success is to focus dropship resellers, patience, hard work and consistent. No sales too? Relax, let potential customers know that you are the seller, you have a product and you can meet the needs of your potential customers.
Feel free to always work hard. Because of the hard work will never betray you ^ ^

Metal Hardcore

Metal is a genre harder than the Rock though there is also a metal band that has a song with a song that seemed slow. Metal genre are categorized loud where the song has a vocal style scream, growl and most recently the pigsqueal where the vocal is more widely used in the flow of hardcore, post-hardcore, screamo, metalcore, deathcore, death metal, black metal, hardcore and other electronic. In Indonesia, the flow of the band's scream vocal style have been found but still can not openly accepted by the general public. Example bands: Indonesia: The Civil Wears Monza, DESIDER, Secret Of Murder, Deadsquad, Burgerkill etc.. Affairs are Asking Alexandria, Miss May I, The Crimson Armada, Chelsea Grin, We Butter The Bread With Butter, etc.
This music is the music I do not like the most because it was too hard.