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Thursday, May 29, 2014


Among the common reasons stated were not veiled Muslim women is: "I'm not ready". If we look, the reason is less acceptable in terms of sense as well as the arguments.

This can be imagined as follows: When we invite someone to the obligatory prayers five times a day, then that person rejects to reason: "I do not want to pray five times it was not ready." Whereas the obligation to wear the veil is easier than prayer, you need only the veil enough to cover the chest, skirt length and width, and the clothes are a bit long and not tight. If you want a more effective kind of negligee to wear clothes which suit and skirt together. Wearing hijab does not like the pilgrimage, or pay Zakat, or slaughtering goats needed capability, thus the reason: "I'm not ready" is not udzur and no relief.

We ask the woman who reasoned "I'm not ready": "When will you be ready? It could be that you die in case of  you are not ready wearing hijab. "Sometimes there are among those who believe that they are ready to veiled when it's married. Are they sure they are going to live in the moment?

Most people who follow the the passions said that the veil is not essential that the most important is the heart hijab. Then, ask again to that person: "How careful veil is that right?" Statements like this are very close to the heresy of heresy-made ​​by Christian people who are not circumcised, when they were asked: "Jesus was circumcised on the day seventh after his birth, why are many of you who are not circumcised? They said: 'The important thing for us is circumcision of the heart!' "

Then there is also the saying: "What if the veiled immoral behavior? Better not veiled but good behavior. "

So, we say to people like this: "Veiling only immoral behavior, especially not veiled? If a woman is not veiled behave well, certainly better if she veiled. "

I encountered not a single verse of the Qur'an, hadith, or the opinions of scholars who said there will be "careful Veil". It may be that this is a new case that is used as a role model.

God warns us not to make the same mistake, one that is exhibiting the nakedness in front of people who should not deserve see our nakedness. Because that is one of the cunning of Satan.

Satan has succeeded in persuading the womenfolk not to cover his private parts in accordance with the shari'ah whispering sweet words: "Do not be veiled, because you are not ready. You still like to engage in immoral, do not be veiled. Your Islamic lessknowledge, do not need to be veiled. wearing the hijab later when already married, if you veiled now no man would have me close. Importantly hijab heart first." That's the devil whisper which now became the reason most of  modern woman.

Hijab is an Obligation, not an Option.

Hijab is an obligation, not an option. Hijab is not a reason not to be able to look fashionable and beautiful. Islam allows us to worship, one of which is easier for us in wear the hijab, but not necessarily be something that we underestimate and eliminate syar'i content. Over the times. Hijab is also an identity of Muslim women to be more identified.

A woman who claims to be a Muslim, that is submissive and obedient to all the commands of Allah, Muslim women should dress in their life, that is composed of headscarves and clothing that covers the entire body, with long sleeves to her wrists and wearing a skirt that covers up to his ankles.

Consciously or not, every time we do we always pray 5 times swear to God, "La syarikallahuwabidzalika ummirtuwa anna minal muslimin."  Which mean vows and promises to God to obey His orders and prohibitions Avoiding, like what we say in the prayer. someone whose false promises before God. certainly heavy punishment in hell.

Women think that wearing the hijab is not a small sin covered with plenty of rewards prayers, fasting, zakat and hajj which they did. It is a wrong way of thinking must be straightened. The women who do not wear hijab, not only has a great sin to God, but has removed the entire reward worship charity.

Remember guys all (headscarf / veil) is an order of AllahSWT, to close Aurat. How we forgotten Adam And Hawa Expelled From Heaven because of them open Aurat  ....??!?!?!?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Secret of Lucky

This is one of the most enjoyable parts of life lessons our success. Where we learn what exactly they are always lucky secrets and hockey.

Secrets of luck that we were then able to apply yourself and be the person who had the good fortune at every opportunity.

This is one of the most enjoyable parts of life lessons our success. In You've won the lottery, finding money in the street, can be door-prize or no prize in the race, could cruise abroad for free?

What, have never experienced?

Or just the opposite? You often really bad luck, bad luck or evil?

Again, to rush to the office, a flat tire on a deserted road. Money is placed in a drawer or wallet stolen. In general kecopetan vehicle, snatched or mugged. Sickly child. In the office, you made ​​one mistake fitting, fitting out. If the others are wrong, escape-escape alone. Businesses are not getting ahead, selling not ever sell. Work not well promoted, bypassed at the new melulu.mana we actually learn what their secrets are always lucky and hockey.

Secrets of luck that we were then able to apply yourself and be the person who had the good fortune at every opportunity.

And 'apes-apes' other', which in essence you frequently hit by natural disasters or hassles, though small. Even more so when large musibahnya.

Wah, wah, wah, it carefully, it could mean a sign, that it's time you know the secret.

Luck or good luck seems like a random factor (random) which can not be predicted. So is bad luck, could come at any time, without permission.

Correct? You also think so? If so, you really should read the following lessons about the secret fortune.

Actually, good or bad luck is not something that does not have a pattern, came to attack anyone, at will. Instead.

Moreover, if we claim to have faith, is not the principle of life is that everything is there that set? Good or bad occurrences that befall us, did He set?

So what is the secret of good luck?

If you want to know the real secret of good luck, this is it ....

There is one way or the secrets that you can apply to ensure that the good fortune that has not ever come up to you, can be your best friend from now on.

Secrets of the same great fortune that would open the door to your success, which is ... Give ...

Yes, give the one answer that is still the key to overcoming all the "bad luck" and problems in our lives.

Giving will cure all problems ' keapesan ' you and turn it into a stream of ' good luck ' endless .

Giving can make you the luckiest person ( the ' lucky and ' hockey ' ) in the world in an instant , without having to wear amulets , spells , incantations or anything that smells magical - occult and the supernatural .

( Believe with me , if you get a chain email that says you are damned if you do not pass it on to so many people , and will be lucky to do so , immediately delete or just delete the email. Because here I will teach you the ' spell starting reinforcements ' ' the most powerful of the world ) .

That gives it a secret fortune . Giving has magical powers in the open flow of good fortune into your life . What about the article ?

This is because , as mentioned before , giving already guaranteed by law tenfold return ( reward ten times ) that accompanies it .

Legal ten-fold return once again is what makes giving a powerful weapon against all keapesan life and instead requires us to be people who are lucky when we give .

Don't young married girls !

The phenomenon of young marriage a lot going on in the villages or countryside areas, but this time not a few people in urban areas who do young marriage. There are many reasons do early marriages but should avoid married women under the age of 20 years.

Getting married is one of the metamorphosis of human life to defend her offspring. In addition, if deemed a psychic, a biological need that can be met by you and your partner. In some programs the government said that the ideal age of marriage for women is 21 years old, while for men is 25 years. The question arises how the ideal age to get pregnant and give birth? Here are some explanations that can add to your knowledge.

At the age of adolescents ( under the age of 20 years )

Pregnancy at a young age ( including age teens under the age of 20 years ) had a higher risk to health . At the age is under 20 years medical science has yet ready reproductive organs and an increased risk of poor health during pregnancy . In addition, conditions have not been perfect egg feared it would interfere with fetal development . Some health conditions that may occur is high blood pressure in pregnant women , preterm birth is the birth of the content under the age under 37 weeks . Some conditions that concern is the low weight babies at birth , and postpartum depression , where a sense of anxiety after childbirth . It is feared that most maternal deaths are steeper due to the occurrence of bleeding and infection . Although the health condition of each individual is different but a medical expert examination should be done with extra considering the highly vulnerable in teenage pregnancy .

At the age of 21-35 years

At the age of 21-35 years the risk of health problems in pregnant women low of about 15%. In addition, when viewed from the developmental maturity, women in this age group have had reproductive maturity, emotional and social aspects. Although at this point some of the women at the age of 21 years due to delay marriage has never placed top priority on new life. In general, this age is the ideal age for you to get pregnant and give birth to reduce the risk of health problems both in the mother and fetus. Additionally an expert told the woman at the age of 24 years of experience at the age of peak fertility and subsequent fertility decline but still be pregnant

At the age above 35 years

Although age is ideal for pregnant women aged 21-35 years but for those of you who just got a baby at the age of 35 years do not have to worry about some medical check-up as pregnancy and genetic counseling will help you are likely to experience a pregnancy at the age of 35 years . The problems that arise at the age of 35 years and over is gestational diabetes is diabetes that appears when you're pregnant , have high blood pressure and bladder disorders . Although bladder disorders may occur in pregnant women but in this age group are at higher risk . Besides the health conditions in the late 30s tend to have certain medical conditions such as uterine fibroids are muscle or other tissue growth located in the uterus that trigger the onset of tumors and cause pain or bleeding on your femininity is growing . Thus you can determine your pregnancy plans and avoid the risk of pregnancy and fetal health is good for you . By following your doctor's advice will help you get the best treatment .

Bunaken The Island Divers

Bunaken marine park is the prime tourist destination of Manado, North Sulawesi and is one of the most beautiful marine park in the world. A variety of coral reefs and marine life live and crammed in Bunaken marine park. For those of you who like to travel underwater, bunaken could be one of the preferred places for you.

Bunaken Marine Park is located in the District Sub Bunaken Bunaken Manado, North Sulawesi. Bunaken is about 7 miles from the port of Manado and can be reached about 50 minutes using a motor boat or simply double machined about 35 minutes if you use a speed boat.

There are five islands included in this national park that is Naen Island, Bunaken Island, Manado Tua Island, Siladen Island, and Island Mantehage with their surrounding islands. And the total population is in the fifth island around 21,000 people.

Bunaken has a variety of underwater life, most likely Bunaken Marine Park is located in the golden triangle of the world's reefs are spread from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands

There are dozens of types of coral reefs and thousands of species of fish that live in marine parks covering 75,265 hectares. The beauty of Bunaken Marine Park has been much in demand by both domestic tourists and tourists who come from abroad. Most of the coastal region consists of mangroves and white sand. Bunaken Marine Park has a maritime Biodiversitas one of the highest in the world.

On the sea there is a hard coral and soft, sheer coral walls with a variety of shapes and colors of them are marine life shark, marlin, tuna, snapper, grouper, barracuda, napoleon, angel fish, turtles, mandarin fish, seahorses, stingrays, octopus and a variety of other fish and of course the most famous ancient king of sea fish (the coelacanth).

There is no time off seasons to visit the Bunaken Marine Tamana means that you can visit at any time and dive in Bunaken. But the more organized you are diving in Bunaken Marine Park in May s / d August because at that time you will be greeted by crystal clear waters and so warm the air temperature 26-31 degrees Celsius.

The beauty of Bunaken marine park can be seen in locations called Lekuan 1, 2, 3, fukui, mandolin, cape parigi, ron's Point, Sachiko Point, Pangalisang, face east village and Bunaken. In addition there are many dive spots are located in the Bunaken marine park, as Bunaken itself has 40 dive sites varying depths that provide various types of tropical fish and coral reefs.

The area was established in 1991 as a national marine park also offers another beauty that is the great underwater walls or giant rock wall, which stands curved upwards.

For lovers of underwater photography, we can be sure you will not be disappointed when visiting Bunaken marine park because here you can get spectacular photos to preserve a very rare you get in other areas.

For those of you who want to linger explore Bunaken you do not need to worry because here you will easily meet accommodation ranging from price to quality backpaker star hotels. In addition, to support your activities during the tour at Bunaken, you can also find a boat rental place / seedboat, tools snorkeling / diving equipment and underwater cameras to capture your activities while under the sea.

the color of snow is white

When you hear the word "snow" of course remembered the white crystal ball when dropped in winter. ehmm ... because Indonesia is in the tropics, most of us are not quite familiar with the name of snow. Why???? you know it. Tropical country has 2 seasons, rainy and dry season. So, we will not know the name of winter and snow, or autumn, so why is snow white in color anyway??? Though composed of ice crystals? Individual the color and crystal clear ice. So ... Ask Why???

Before we discuss the white snow, the better I think we drove around and stopped for a moment to the first basic theories that will show us the key to the puzzle was why Snow White.

Well , Light - looked composed of many frequencies of light are different. Our eyes are able to detect frequencies vary as different colors . So , why the objects have different colors , because each object has particles ( both atomic and molecular ) and different authors have different vibration frequencies anyway . Broadly speaking, the electron - electron in the constituent atoms will vibrate several times in response to the light energy absorbed by the particles . The magnitude of the vibration of electrons is also affected by the frequency of the energy that leads besarnaya him . Against the light energy , molecules and atoms absorb some of the energy of light depends on the frequency of the light , and then issue the absorbed energy as heat , whereas the frequency of light that is not able to be absorbed is reflected and received by our eyes , which in turn translated into color . This means that objects absorb certain frequencies of light more than others .

Ok .... Ready to go to get to the the next phase??
Two different things can occur at frequencies of light that is not absorbed. In some objects, when a photon, they pass through of kepartikel next. In this instance, the light goes through all parts of the object, so the object looks clear. In most solids, the particles seem clear. In most solids, the particles will spend the majority of the photons are not re-absorbed out of the object. As a result, there's no light or very little light could be said that the object passes through the entire particle.

True color of an object that is not clear is actually a combination of light energy that is not absorbed by the particles of the object.

Reflected light Repeatedly
So, as the snow is frozen water and we know that the ice was clear, and then doing the snow has a different color??

Ice is actually not transparent, it is translucent nature of things. The translucent enough to transmit light. It is indicated that translucent objects, photons of light do not go through the straight strip and the particles of such materials tends to change the direction of the light frequency. This happens because the distance between some of the atoms in the molecular structure of ice near the high wavelength of light, so the light photons will interact with the molecular structure of ice.
Eventually strip changed and different light photons with the strip when it goes into the ice.

it can simply be described as follows:
Snow is a combination of many ice crystals, when incoming photons of light into a layer of ice crystals, then the frequency of light that will come on the turn direction and continue on the other ice crystals and so on. So, the whole ice crystals reflecting the swirling snow to all parts. It occurs at all frequencies different light, so that all frequencies of light reflected back repeatedly. The color of the light of all frequencies when combined together in the same size White color will appear.
Remember, the color spectrum NEWTON disc which when played at a fast color will appear white.
The answer is clear from the theory why snow is white.

vampire isi it real ?

The Vampires Really Exist? Real Story Or Just Legend? Almost everyone in this world knows the horrible creatures vampire blood suckers. Vampire very well known and often used as inspiration to create stories, movies, songs, etc.. What is so famous vampire is just a legend, or is there in the world? this fact ..

Until now there have been countless stories, songs, and movies depicting this mysterious creature. Actually it is a vampire? is in accordance with that described in the movie??

If we are indoctrinated to recognize the film as being a terrible vampire sucking the blood, usually in the form of a human (if the first bit scary vampire face destroyed, now face a vampire getting better "as in twilight"). Vampire is usually described as a blue-blooded creatures, can only go out at night, if the sunlight will fade, thirst for blood, silver could die if stabbed in his heart, anti-cross and potatoes, and others. vampire traits depicted in the film.

vampire reality is not like that.

The Origin of vampires

Vlad Dracul
Vampire originated from Romania and began to spread in Europe in the 16th century. Vampires or can be called "Dracula" is a true story. History of Dracula comes from a Romanian king Vlad Dracul 15th Century named.

Vlad Dracul was the King of Romania in the 14th century and the famous warlike brutal. Ability in war no doubt seen from the number of wars that he win games. Vlad Dracul was believed to have a special ritual before the start of the war, that drinking and bathing in blood corpse successfully defeated

If the terms of the science we must consider whether the disease or abnormality with symptoms and characteristics like Dracula. It turns out that it is a disease in this world that meet the criteria, that is Porphyria.

Porphyria is a disease in which gene variants of the patients lack enzymes that form functional glycine Heme. Heme is a component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood work. Imagine if Heme less oxygen is transported and properly, then the body will be pale blue. Therefore PORPHYRIA sufferers also can not exposed to sunlight, because sunlight can burn their skin. (2 Dracula characteristics have been answered)

We can now conclude that Dracula or Vampire is actually a descendant of the king of Romania who has a disorder Porphyria and perform a ritual drink of fresh human blood either living or dead bodies. However, because of Vlad Dracul services in war is considered by certain nations great, then ugliness disguised so that they were created as Dracula legend in movies now.

Then it was already answered all the irregularities of the Vampire. But in another version, people kept telling Vampire legend for generations. Strangely legend does occur as happened in Hungary.

aurora the secret emergence

Do you often hear the name Aurora? What is it? Why is there an aurora?

Aurora is a phenomenon of light emission on burning layers of a planet's ionosphere as a result of the interaction between the magnetic field of the planet owned by charged particles emitted by the sun
(the solar wind).

Aurora is formed due to the interaction of particles with the Earth's atmosphere from the sun's charged particles called plasma. particle plasma is a gas that has been ionized. gas generally not charged, but because the temperature is very hot in the sun causes the particle gar ionized plasma is formed. The plasma emitted by the sun in all directions (usually in times of increased solar activity of plasma jets), and then as it approaches the Earth's magnetic field (which is concentrated in the north and south poles) then the plasma will be attracted to the poles of the earth (this phenomenon is called "the solar wind "), when the particles meet with the Earth's atmosphere occurs so that the electron excitation-relaxation casting beautiful colors.

Aurora phenomena associated with the shroud or magnetosfer Earth's magnetic field and the emergence of the dangers of the sun. The louder and longer the light aurora, the stronger the interference can be estimated from the Sun known as the solar storm (solar storm). Because the role is the magnetic field. Therefore the earth aurora most often occur in the area around the north pole and the south magnetic pole, and very rare in equatorial regions. The most famous Aurora is Aurora Borealis (at the north pole) and Aurora Australis (the South Pole).

Light poles is due to the flow of high-energy particles from the sun that enter the area poles of the Earth's magnetic field. Disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field called a magnetic storm (magnetic storms). Aurora can also arise when an advanced phenomenon known as the magnetosphere the magnetic sub-storm. These events gave rise to the aurora oval on Earth poles are symmetric to each other. Although this phenomenon has been suggested by experts for a long time, evidence of new observations acquired in 2001 through a NASA satellite observations.

Generally Light Pole frequently encountered yellowish green, part is due to particles that carry energy to collide with molecules of oxygen which is only 20km from the surface of the earth: when the nitrogen molecule gets particle collision, will emit light reddish purple. Nitrogen, will emit blue light: while neutral nitrogen will emit red light. Therefore, new people can see the line of light red, blue, green and purple which criss-cross the sky enveloped. Even the beautiful aurora cermerlang changing the overall shape, there is a form curtains, bow, ribbon, rays and various other forms.

The emergence of the aurora must have two prerequisites, the first temperature must be low, both the weather should be sunny. A large number of countries in the world will also often appear auroras, which include Norway, Russia, Finland, northern Canada, Alaska and the northern United States. Aurora used to appear every year in April and October.

why the sky colorful ?

When have you ever looked at the The sky bepikir buddy, why The sky looks colored?

The sky light produces beautiful colors in the sky time seems to shine in The sky above us. If the sun just above the us, the light through the air more freely than in the momentsothers.

Sunlight in the morning when it was white, but the daylight changes color to yellow, because the light penetrates the air directly. so through a shorter path and produce yellow light. Sky blue color indicates that the beam blue dissipated. But at dusk, the light cover longer distance or longer. Then the light path is not directly through the atmosphere. While it was left out in blue, and appear yellow and red colors. The sun was visible red. If the sky is clear in the evening, then the blue color down on the the foot of
The sky (the horizon), although the color of sun still red.

If the evening clouds or dust in the air, then there the reflection of sunlight. So most of The sky appears red,
and provide briefly the beautiful scenery in the evening. Sunlight or other light colors can be seen when
The light falling on the surface of the object. Beam sunlight space does not seem to penetrate. The higher the air layer increasingly thin. So the The sky appears black even though the sun was shine.

If you see an object appears black when the sun shine, meaning that objects absorb light rays. or objects can also appear black because no light is illuminates the object. As in the dark night. you certainly can not distinguish the color. If an object looks white, it means the object has a light White himself. Or objects that reflect white light. Clouds appear white because it reflects the color of the clouds of light rays sun. If the cloud was very thick, so sunlight can not through it.
 So that the bottom of the clouds appear black. but when we boarded the plane to fly above the clouds, the clouds still appear white.

the effects of heartbroken

Maybe for us already familiar with the name "hurt". Many of the consequences arising from whose name hurt, normal that we as humans feel hurt, yet in fact we do have hearts and feelings. Feeling that we fear, angry, sad, lonely, while the feeling of falling in love.

We human beings are social skills, we may not be able to live alone without the others. humans there are 2 types, that is men and women. We created it in pairs, but the time that determines when we will get a pair. The selection was carried out to find the best, the beginning we would like the other sex and it is impossible to not have the feeling to love, cherish and crave. There is a saying, "there will inevitably be a farewell meeting"

When we are on to arrange a meeting with opposite gender that we love, feelings of attraction, love, and admire even arise by itself, with a feeling of loving and love our partner. It is a feeling of happiness that makes us happy, but on the contrary if we merasaan feeling depressed, angry, and hurt it is a result of our breakup with someone.

Many consequences arising from heartache, heartbreak as a form of profound sadness is always bring a result. At least we lost the spirit, when experienced. Continue to stay in the room, alone, lazy to do anything that we commonly encounter when feeling heartbroken. There are another effect :

1. Appetite changing

Depression often change one's appetite. Sometimes increase appetite, but more frequently reduces appetite. People who experience depression will generally lose their appetite. He was at home all day in the room without the slightest swallow food. The food provided is always intact, could also take a half-full plate complete with side dishes and vegetables, but only just a bribe, could be left to die alone. Yes, depression can greatly relieve your appetite, because it is not uncommon for people who heartbroken drag on, people then become thin, (hehehe, it turns out depression can be a potent means of diet is also yes).
People can also become addicted to food. Usually that does not like to snack, snacking, she is even more viable to hunt for food. go to the malls, food stalls or go aimlessly in search of food are in the think of it new.

2. Changes in sleep

People who have a broken heart is sometimes undergo changes sleep time. Just as on
appetite, people with depression can also be like to sleep too long, but more often than not have trouble sleeping. Which is usually a person to sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 5 am, when his depression may be the middle of the night and woke up a few hours of sleep difficulty and after it was not able to continue to sleep again. Preservation was accompanied by a gloomy face and looked tired. Because it was a depressed person looks pale, weak, and lazy eye.
It could be the impact of the depression it be otherwise, a person who becomes crazy sleep. Morning sleep, daytime sleep, and then the night went to bed again, until not want to do anything. 2 The impact of the impact of the 3rd.

3. Changes in energy levels

People who are depressed often lose the spirit and energy. Previously active become sluggish, and that is usually the spirit become lazy, and so on. A person with depression often become exhausted without cause incredible, hard to concentrate, difficulty keeping in something and slow to catch a discussion. As a result of that, people who are depressed so easily upset and irritable, her feelings became sensitive.

More than that, the person who broke your heart could be stressful even daring to commit suicide. This happens because the loss of a natural expectation. The core of our personality lies in the heart. So when our hearts smashed to pieces, our personality is gone. What else can we be proud of by someone with personality that has been lost? Nothing! How is it that people can still have hope when his personality is destroyed? Nothing! That is, in a way, broken hearts make people despair, stress and even memory loss and could have committed suicide. Do not let separately there, because our lives only once and attempt to fix any one who requires a process.

Maybe it is part of a broken heart, God will not give us formidable challenges, because God created us, so he knows how strong we are, and He will not give us trials that exceed the strength. So much better we pray and ask Him to help us to be more powerful and strong in experiencing a life problem.