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Thursday, May 1, 2014

the color of snow is white

When you hear the word "snow" of course remembered the white crystal ball when dropped in winter. ehmm ... because Indonesia is in the tropics, most of us are not quite familiar with the name of snow. Why???? you know it. Tropical country has 2 seasons, rainy and dry season. So, we will not know the name of winter and snow, or autumn, so why is snow white in color anyway??? Though composed of ice crystals? Individual the color and crystal clear ice. So ... Ask Why???

Before we discuss the white snow, the better I think we drove around and stopped for a moment to the first basic theories that will show us the key to the puzzle was why Snow White.

Well , Light - looked composed of many frequencies of light are different. Our eyes are able to detect frequencies vary as different colors . So , why the objects have different colors , because each object has particles ( both atomic and molecular ) and different authors have different vibration frequencies anyway . Broadly speaking, the electron - electron in the constituent atoms will vibrate several times in response to the light energy absorbed by the particles . The magnitude of the vibration of electrons is also affected by the frequency of the energy that leads besarnaya him . Against the light energy , molecules and atoms absorb some of the energy of light depends on the frequency of the light , and then issue the absorbed energy as heat , whereas the frequency of light that is not able to be absorbed is reflected and received by our eyes , which in turn translated into color . This means that objects absorb certain frequencies of light more than others .

Ok .... Ready to go to get to the the next phase??
Two different things can occur at frequencies of light that is not absorbed. In some objects, when a photon, they pass through of kepartikel next. In this instance, the light goes through all parts of the object, so the object looks clear. In most solids, the particles seem clear. In most solids, the particles will spend the majority of the photons are not re-absorbed out of the object. As a result, there's no light or very little light could be said that the object passes through the entire particle.

True color of an object that is not clear is actually a combination of light energy that is not absorbed by the particles of the object.

Reflected light Repeatedly
So, as the snow is frozen water and we know that the ice was clear, and then doing the snow has a different color??

Ice is actually not transparent, it is translucent nature of things. The translucent enough to transmit light. It is indicated that translucent objects, photons of light do not go through the straight strip and the particles of such materials tends to change the direction of the light frequency. This happens because the distance between some of the atoms in the molecular structure of ice near the high wavelength of light, so the light photons will interact with the molecular structure of ice.
Eventually strip changed and different light photons with the strip when it goes into the ice.

it can simply be described as follows:
Snow is a combination of many ice crystals, when incoming photons of light into a layer of ice crystals, then the frequency of light that will come on the turn direction and continue on the other ice crystals and so on. So, the whole ice crystals reflecting the swirling snow to all parts. It occurs at all frequencies different light, so that all frequencies of light reflected back repeatedly. The color of the light of all frequencies when combined together in the same size White color will appear.
Remember, the color spectrum NEWTON disc which when played at a fast color will appear white.
The answer is clear from the theory why snow is white.

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