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Thursday, May 1, 2014

aurora the secret emergence

Do you often hear the name Aurora? What is it? Why is there an aurora?

Aurora is a phenomenon of light emission on burning layers of a planet's ionosphere as a result of the interaction between the magnetic field of the planet owned by charged particles emitted by the sun
(the solar wind).

Aurora is formed due to the interaction of particles with the Earth's atmosphere from the sun's charged particles called plasma. particle plasma is a gas that has been ionized. gas generally not charged, but because the temperature is very hot in the sun causes the particle gar ionized plasma is formed. The plasma emitted by the sun in all directions (usually in times of increased solar activity of plasma jets), and then as it approaches the Earth's magnetic field (which is concentrated in the north and south poles) then the plasma will be attracted to the poles of the earth (this phenomenon is called "the solar wind "), when the particles meet with the Earth's atmosphere occurs so that the electron excitation-relaxation casting beautiful colors.

Aurora phenomena associated with the shroud or magnetosfer Earth's magnetic field and the emergence of the dangers of the sun. The louder and longer the light aurora, the stronger the interference can be estimated from the Sun known as the solar storm (solar storm). Because the role is the magnetic field. Therefore the earth aurora most often occur in the area around the north pole and the south magnetic pole, and very rare in equatorial regions. The most famous Aurora is Aurora Borealis (at the north pole) and Aurora Australis (the South Pole).

Light poles is due to the flow of high-energy particles from the sun that enter the area poles of the Earth's magnetic field. Disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field called a magnetic storm (magnetic storms). Aurora can also arise when an advanced phenomenon known as the magnetosphere the magnetic sub-storm. These events gave rise to the aurora oval on Earth poles are symmetric to each other. Although this phenomenon has been suggested by experts for a long time, evidence of new observations acquired in 2001 through a NASA satellite observations.

Generally Light Pole frequently encountered yellowish green, part is due to particles that carry energy to collide with molecules of oxygen which is only 20km from the surface of the earth: when the nitrogen molecule gets particle collision, will emit light reddish purple. Nitrogen, will emit blue light: while neutral nitrogen will emit red light. Therefore, new people can see the line of light red, blue, green and purple which criss-cross the sky enveloped. Even the beautiful aurora cermerlang changing the overall shape, there is a form curtains, bow, ribbon, rays and various other forms.

The emergence of the aurora must have two prerequisites, the first temperature must be low, both the weather should be sunny. A large number of countries in the world will also often appear auroras, which include Norway, Russia, Finland, northern Canada, Alaska and the northern United States. Aurora used to appear every year in April and October.

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