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Saturday, April 26, 2014

mix and match hijab style

Who said it was difficult to mix and match clothing Muslim ? As long as you know how , in fact there are many ways to mix and match clothing Muslim .

Here are seven tips Muslim fashion mix and match :

1 . When choosing clothing styles specify the most convenient and preferred .

2 . Have a variety of basic clothing . For example , trousers , cardigans , blazers , long skirts , in basic colors ( black , off white , beige , brown soil , dark blue ) to facilitate padupadan . Have also dress in a choice of warm colors (warm ) , cold ( cool ) , and light .

3 . Have at least five tops for each owned a skirt or pants . According to him , people are more likely to be found watching the middle to the top of the middle to the bottom.

4 . Combine some clothes with different colors , styles , silhouettes , and materials that complement each other .

5 . Superiors and subordinates with different shades or collide is not suitable to be used simultaneously . 75 % of your wardrobe should be a solid color , and 25 % were patterned .

6 . Clothes separate ( supervisor or subordinate ) is easier to mix and match from the canal like a dress shirt . So you should multiply the separate garments . Superiors and subordinates that matching can seem like a dress , but also can be combined with other clothing .

7 . Handbags classic model with a neutral color is a smart investment . Besides can be combined with a variety of clothing , bags can be used for years cared for home .

Your Dreams..

Long time ago dream known as the flower bed and still be something very mysterious. Various studies have been done but still have not been able to explore thoroughly all the secrets behind dreams.

Not only in Indonesia alone, in some other countries dream always synonymous with things mystical and mostly regarded as a sign of something that will happen, whether it be an individual, or group. For example, if the dream of catching a bird then you will get a spouse or a child.

Is it all right? Of the thousands of dreams that have been greeted in our sleep, hope some mystery and unique facts about these dreams. Let's look together:

# Approximately 50 percent of the dream that you experienced during sleep everything will be erased as soon as we wake up. Then after 10 minutes you will forget about your dreams as much as 90%.
# During her life she will have nightmares more often when compared with men. The findings are based on the results of a research psychologist from the University of the West of England named Jennie Parker.
# The debate often arises about the color, scent, touch and light refraction. Some people believe that dreams are only made ​​up of two colors, namely black and white. several others assume can see colors other than black and white in their dreams.

# The fact that quite strange in expressing some researchers about dreams, it turns out that men are more often dreamed of a man in his sleep. While women are more likely to balance the dream of women and men.
# we are able to dream of 3 to 7 times in each bed with different dreams. Not yet certain how the average distance between the dream to one another, but some studies say that the dream of the chain will have a pause for 2 to 3 hours for a dream.
# You ever watch the movie Inception? Theory in the film is a reality. we can adjust our liking dream by remembering continually want what we dream. The science is called Lucid Dream, it is very easy to learn but difficult to tolerable in practice.

Those are some facts and mysteries in dreams. Do you believe that the dream was a sign of an event or events that will be experienced? All it back to your respective beliefs.

oh my library

Interest in reading has been the one big problem for the Indonesian nation . Why not, when the public interest in Indonesia among the lowest in Asia .

Indonesian excel above only Cambodia and Laos . In fact, the lower the reading habit , disease ignorance and poverty would potentially threaten the progress and the existence of this nation . Worse yet, the lack of interest in reading is not only occurring in the general population , in elementary , junior high , high school , even in college was very low student interest in reading . This stands in stark contrast to the conditions in Japan .

Nowadays of course we have already seen how the progress of science and technology development in Japan . All this is because the Japanese government to prioritize the needs of the community reading material , especially school children and students , so no surprise if the library , especially on college campuses Japan , always crowded student .

Different from the conditions in Indonesia campus library , university library is no more just as a storage and display various collections of books and other reference materials . More ironically , the campus library is often used as a place for courtship , not a place to read and discuss .

As a college student and aspiring scientists , the library should be the most sought after , especially in finding a reference to making or completing tasks lectures .

Cultivating Interests Read

Factors to be the causes loneliness library , in addition to declining student interest in reading , as well as libraries can not keep up with the times by not meeting the needs of students . To meet the needs of assignments , students often prefer the instant way , namely search the internet .

Why the low student interest in reading ? there are six factors that cause :
( 1 ) learning system in Indonesia has not made ​​the student must read the book ,
( 2 ) the number of places of entertainment , games , and TV shows that distracts them from menbaca book , ( 3 ) reading culture had never inherited our ancestors , while still dominant culture said culture than reading , ( 4 ) a means to obtain readings like other libraries are still a rare commodity ,
( 5 ) the uneven spread of reading materials in various walks of life
( 6 ) and encouragement to read not grown since praperguruan higher education .

Library actually plays an important role for the creation of a culture of reading for students . The library is a bridge towards mastery of science , can provide an important contribution to the opening of access to information , as well as providing accurate data for making the reference sources for pengembangkan science . And all of it can only get by reading .

That's why the campus library should be designed in such a way so that the student and academic community more comfortable there . Libraries must be able to satisfy the thirst of the students are thirsty for knowledge in four ways .

First , add the library facilities and infrastructure , such as lack of facilities and internet network or wi - fi , reproduce discussion space , and improve the reading room . If this can be realized , it will certainly attract the attention of students visit the library.

Second , provide good service , friendly , and friendly . This is particularly important given the visitors are students educated . So if there is a service of the officers who were poor and unsatisfactory course they will protest and less comfortable in using library facilities .

Third , the availability of adequate collection of books . Collection of reading material ( books or literarur ) is the most important component for the library . Collections are expected to possess a minimum of a library book is a must for any subject taught and the amount should be sufficient . According to Education Minister Decree 0686/U/1991 , every basic subjects and skills courses should be provided two books shall be the number of copies of at least 10 % of the number of students taking the course .

Fourth , create a reading on campus climate . Conducive academic environment will encourage students to be diligent to the library . It can be done , for example by means of the lecturer giving reading assignments for students .

If the library can provide good service and provide a wide range of needs required literature , the student will come to the library a lot . Such environment can not be created by the library alone , but must cooperate with the entire campus community

the increasing involvement of women in parliament

Involvement of women in parliament continues to rise. Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (KPP and PA) recorded an increase was seen from 2010 to 2014.

Increased participation of women before and after the reform of the reform is very visible when elections. Interest and participation of women in parliament is called Access to demonstrate the ability of women in politics.

Political party has the overall responsibility of the learning process and its cadres, including women cadre. Although only having 30% quota, women should still equipped with intelligence and academic ability in order to express the aspirations of both constituents.With only 30% quota, political parties must recruit and select qualified women and cadres should promote smart.

5 years is considered sufficient for a political party. The parties are expected to not arbitrary 'take' cadres. The existence of a cadre of women and men should not be differentiated. How to think 'gender' to be in release. As this will affect the taste and interest perempaun to be in parliament.

To establish cadre of qualified, apart from KPPPA and LSM, efforts to improve the quality of the candidate's ability to do with women's advocacy and learning a variety of fields.

6 Rules of Woman Career

Are you a woman who diligently work? As a working woman, you should be more concerned about whether in the workplace apply special rules to protect the rights of women. Let us see what are the rules:

1 . Schedule Overtime
Women who work , are advised not receive overtime hours continuously . Such rules are enforced in India , women who work in the office , they should not be too often given overtime hours that began after 7 pm . This is because they are considered dangerous . So it should be given overtime work is only about 15 days in a month .

2 . Transportation Security
Many companies that provide facilities such as car and driver , to drive employee overtime . But there are also other companies that provide taxi vouchers so that women workers could safely return to home . But , note the number of rapes that occur when women take a taxi , also more and more . That is why the company should make a rule that womankind is not too often allowed to go home at 8 pm .

3 . Pregnancy Leave Policy
Any woman who is pregnant , is entitled to three months' salary for maternity leave . But there are also companies that offer pregnant women to work from home .

4 . Percentage of Women who Work
Many organizations or companies have personnel policies that support women . They chose to employ 50 or 30 percent of the employees are women . The existence of these rules to ensure equal opportunity gained womanhood and men .

5 . Salaries
Women are entitled to a salary comparable to men in the workplace . The company should not hire women under the standard for reasons of gender . Before determining to work in a company , you should note this in advance .

6 . Marital Status
Many companies tend to avoid hiring married women . Therefore , they believe that a married woman is not serious about their careers . Women who are married can also request filed on maternity leave and childbirth later . Prejudice of the company 's highly illegal and not allowed to be applied in the company


Trafficking in Indonesia is a very complex problem. Children are trafficked to work in the relatively long working hours and prone to physical, mental, and sexual. They have no support or minimal protection from outsiders. Their health is also threatened by sexual infections, alcohol and trafficking drugs.

Addressing the problem of child trafficking does not only involve a single institution, but must involve all stakeholders in society, that is government agencies, LSM, community organizations joined in a partnership that is strengthened by government regulations, the minister's decision not to co-same deal with the problem of child trafficking. Another conclusion one factor driving the trafficking of children is the inability of the education system and the community to maintain the children to stay in school and go on to a higher level. Officers villages and districts that assist children trafficked counterfeit ID cards also be the primary driver of child trafficking. To resolve this issue the necessary legal instruments or stricter policies effectively prevent counterfeiting ID card.

Factors Against Child Exploitation
The children not only to be in a bad state of the environment, but they were deemed not appropriate when measured from the rights of children. Parents still considers that only women are in the domestic area. Girls do not need a high school, because ultimately only back to the house, to the kitchen, well, and bed to serve her husband. As a result, school dropouts is high. The daughter then became migrant workers, prostitutes, waitress cafe, or PRT.

Based on the description of the exploitation of children by parents is characterized by:
a. Women are in the domestic area so do not need a high school.
b. Son is a family asset.
c. Make the children as prostitutes is not understood as a crime
d. The habit of prostituting her child

Prostitutes Demand Factors
Whole money is not solely caused by the driving factors, but also because of the demand for prostitute. Request prostitute is a need to fill the sex industry tend to make the children as the main target. Money is made possible because of the role of touts and the pimp. Network of touts and pimps in prostitution supplier YY portrayed as the village below.
Based on these descriptions, the effect of an impact on the demand for money prostitute characterized by:
• The touts and pimps are part of the trafficking of children for prostitution network that provides candidates whole money to meet the demand for prostitute.
• Request prostitute is a need to fill the sex industry tend to make the children as the main target.
• touts and even pimps are citizens of the village with the money thus simplifying the entire candidate information, shipping, and communication touts and prospective prostitute.
• touts and pimps have a large capital money that can meet the needs of poor people money immediately.
• touts and pimps are very actively seeking candidates shed money because they benefit financially. All costs of the recruitment process and the delivery charged to residents who drop money as debt. This suggests factors against child exploitation.

Community efforts
With the support of the ILO , Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation ( YKAI ) did Programme Prevention of Child Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in the Labor and Indramayu district . The purpose of this program is :
1 . Improving the quality of education from primary school level up from high school to expand enrollment boys and girls in two districts
2 . Supporting the sustainability of primary education for girls after primary school
3 . Provide basic skills training to facilitate the increase in income
4 . Provide entrepreneurial training and access to financial credit to facilitate their own business
5 . Changing attitudes and thought patterns of family and community against child trafficking .

The core of this program prevented children of prostituted women by seeking :
1 . Increasing children's participation in education , both formal and non-formal ,
2 . Provision of employment opportunities , and
3 . Awareness of society to prevent trafficking of children for prostitution

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

There will be a Blood Moon Out This Evening In Indonesia

Rare lunar eclipse will take place from noon until late afternoon , 15 April 2014 . Namely total lunar eclipse or so-called " Blood Moon " . This lunar eclipse blood red because Mars is currently in a closest point to the earth .

For those of you who saw it , do not miss the natural phenomena . Total lunar eclipse will take place on Tuesday ( 04/15/2014 ) afternoon to evening , with long about 5 hours 43 minutes . Previous such eclipse appeared in 2003-2004 .

However, not all phases of the eclipse can be seen . Unfortunately eclipse can only be seen in Indonesian central and eastern parts alone . Residents in Central and Eastern Indonesia was only able to observe the final part of the process of the lunar eclipse .

" This eclipse can be observed from the Indonesian region except western Java , Borneo and the western part of Sumatra , " said Chief Andi Eka Sakya BMKG , as published by Reuters .

Space.com launch, the penumbral eclipse begins early contact on Tuesday afternoon around 11:54 pm . Then the initial contact will be achieved umbra at 12:58 pm .

Peak lunar eclipse ' blood ' is expected to total occurred on Tuesday afternoon , at around 14:47 pm with a long peak where the Moon had no exposure to sunlight which is about 38 minutes .

When the peak phase , the moon will be right in the umbra region , namely the core shadows that are very dark in the middle during a lunar eclipse .

Furthermore , the contact end of the lunar eclipse umbra ' blood ' total will begin on Tuesday afternoon at 16:33 pm and end contact penumbra at 17:37 pm .

Andi explained that a total lunar eclipse can also be observed from western Africa , western Europe and the Atlantic Ocean when the moon was setting . The whole process will eclipse can be observed from western South America and North America and eastern Pacific Ocean .

Process eclipse when the moon rises can be observed in the western Pacific Ocean , Australia and eastern Asia . However, the whole process can not be observed eclipse of the province of Asia , Africa and the eastern parts of eastern Europe .

According to the Vice- President of the Canadian Astronomical Society Colin Haig , a lunar eclipse ' blood ' total time will be very phenomenal . Differently than others . " It will be very important for us . Highly dramatic , " Colin said , as quoted by the CBC .

The eclipse is expected to occur 4 times during 2014 that a total lunar eclipse on April 15 , ring solar eclipse on April 29 , a total lunar eclipse on October 8 and partial solar eclipse on October 23, 2014 .

Beautiful and Rilex with Music

The music was beautiful and delicious! Music can change our bodies: PHYSICALLY, mental, and even chemically. Music has long been known as a great therapeutic tool. It has been scientifically proven that music can help prevent, alleviate, and heal a variety of diseases and irregularities in body and mentally. Music also makes you look at life more positively, to help better work performance, becoming a better human being and fun. 

Music is not just sound, but an air vibration (vibration) that is harmonious. Musical harmony which is equivalent to the internal rhythms of the body, the hormone will trigger the "good" in our body and provide a sense of relaxed, comfortable, quiet and happy. Now, the vibrations of the sound wave therapy can influence the internal rhythms of the body to be re-balanced (vibration normal and healthy).

The rhythm of the music cadence quickly will make our bodies work more quickly, and vice versa. Therefore, if you are among those who move fast, work with deadlines, and high stress levels - you can neutralize body rhythms get you with slow tempo music listening. If the vibration and harmony used in a proper song, the listener will feel comfortable and relaxed.

Effects endorphine & Convenient
Music not only lowers levels of a chemical that "ugly", but can also raise levels of chemical substances that are "good" for the neurotransmitter hormone tubuh.Endorphine is "good" that helped carry impulses in the brain, is also responsible for making us feel comfortable. This hormone is a drug that is naturally produced by the body to give us the feeling of happy / unhappy. By playing music, the production of these neurotransmitters can be improved. "Not surprisingly music lovers generally kept happy, hanging out, have a pleasant personality, and youthful huh? Amen ... So many people who say everyday is Sunday for musician hehehe "

Melatonin and Sleep 
In addition to making us feel better, the music can also help us fall asleep. This time the production of hormones that are stimulated hormonmelatonin, which controls our sleep patterns. Generally, the body produces this chemical to allow us to sleep soundly. Perhaps this is one reason why rhymes bobosukses make babies fall asleep. Lullabies have a very important role in learning and concentrating. 
In one study, elementary school children in Taiwan participated in listening to soothing music for 45 minutes before they sleep. In effect, they show real progress in sleep patterns, namely quality sleep better and longer sleep time.

What Happens When We Sleep In ?
When we sleep , the body perform the necessary repairs . Discarded toxins and cell / tissue redeveloped . The brain processes stress , tension , and anger experienced by the body in a state of wakefulness and reduce the negative effects on body systems . When we live in a poor quality of sleep for long periods , then our physical and mental health will be disturbed . Lack of sleep will result in decreased productivity , ability to carry out activities , enjoy life , and also decrease the performance and appearance of our work .

Lowering Cortisol & Stress
Direct exposure to music can dramatically decrease stress hormones such as cortisol carrier , so musicians have the mental toughness more solid and durable . The musicians and music lovers generally emotionally healthier than those who do not enjoy the music . They also have a higher confidence in doing things under pressure ( such as deadlines , exams , concerts , etc. . ) , As well as reduce the effects of dementia than others.

Great Way to Sleep
At the end of a busy day , soft music can help us relax in a fun way , without side effects and without the use of drugs . Try the following tips !
• First of all , all electronic devices in addition to a CD player or move aside Ipodharus yes ... at least 1 hour before bedtime
• Listening to classical music instrumental slow tempo , a lot of repetition . The repetition of the same tone will make the mind loses focus and drowsiness . For example : Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. . 1 and Claude Debussy - Claire de Lune , Prelude to the Afternoon of the Faune .
• Play a favorite music collection on CD or your Ipod . Avoid fast tempo music or who have a sudden tempo changes ! When the tempo and his character alike , will surely make people sleepy .
• Music from the natural sounds of nature , such as : the sounds of birds , water flow , thundering surf beaches , and drizzling rain . Natural voice has a relaxing effect and is able to evoke memories of a person .
• Listen to the sound of soothing and neutral , such as : installing a radio on a frequency between two stations - a place where you will get a hiss of static , reduce the volume . The same effect can be obtained by turning on the fan . When you consider the sound of people talking makes comfortable , look for radio stations with talk programs and the majority of the volume turned down . This neutral voices help dampen the effects of environmental noise , such as voice traffic or neighbors who do not know the time .
• Be creative ! Feel free to use some aroma - therapy candles and dim the lights ! Take a deep breath and just listen the music ...
You can experiment with yourself as well as your own child . Listen to soothing music ( mostly classical music instrumental rhythmic slow ) while read stories to your child . This will help bring the transition from super- busy activities for one day you become a situation that is relaxed, quiet until you can fall asleep . Please try ! " 'll Be sure to share so, who fell asleep first ... Which was read the story or read it ? hehehe ... :) "
This shows that we can adjust the body 's chemical balance through the intervention of music , in addition to medical drugs . Music also has a tremendous positive effect on one's physical and mental health . So , from now frequently enjoy music at any time ! It's good for your health ! 

So , just lay back relax and enjoy your time with the music .... See how it Affects and effects you ... Have a nice day , everyone !

Iqra.. Let's Read !

For you who love read or just read, certainly know that read it many benefits. The main thing why we are required to read, because it is the command of Allah. In Al-Quran surah Al-'Alaq (96) of paragraph 1, the pronunciation "Iqro' Bismi robbikal-ladzi kholaqo" which means "Read in the name Robb (God) you (namely God) who created."

Then read what? It is said in the Qur'an Sura Muzzamil (73) verse 20, pronunciation "... Faqro tayassaro terminal-u ma-quran ..." which means "... then read what is easy (for you) of the Qur 'an ... ".

In the Qur'an contains the revelations of Allah and the Signs of Allah, not only in the Qur'an. It says in the Qur'an Surat ar-Rum (30) verse 20, pronunciation "Wa min ayatihi's kholaqokum thumma min turobin idza yourselves basyarun tantasyirun" which means "And some of the verses of Allah is that He created you from the earth, and you (be) human breeding "and other verses such as the verse which indicates that the creature (creation) of Allah is also the verses of Allah.

So from these verses that the lesson can be drawn in question in order to read surat Al-'Alaq (96) of paragraph 1 it is a command to read the verses of Allah both in the Qur'an and that is in the universe in the form of His creatures. It is thus "read the verses of Allah" includes an Islamic charity (charity pious). [And the best books, the highest and most valuable is the holy book of the Quran.

Well, here it is the 11th avail read:
1. Reading relieve anxiety and anxiety.
2. While busy reading, someone shut out in ignorance.
3. Habit of reading makes people too busy to get in touch with orang2 lazy and do not want to work.
4. The frequent reading, a person can develop flexibility and fluency in spoken word.
5. Reading petrified develop thinking and clear thinking.
6 . Reading improves one's knowledge and improve memory and comprehension .
7 . With frequent reading , one can take advantage of pengalama others , such as those modeled bijaksanan wisdom and intelligence scholars .
8 . With frequent reading , one can develop a good ability to receive and respond well to study science disciplines and application in life .
9 . Confidence grew when he read seseorangakan buku2 useful , especially buku2 written by Author2 yag devout Muslim . The book is the best conveyor of lectures and he has a strong influence to lead one towards goodness and away from evil .
10 . Reading helps one to refresh your mind of clutter and save time so as not to sia2 .
11 . The frequent reading , a person can master a lot of words and study the various models of sentence , he could further increase its ability to absorb concepts and to understand what is written " between the line-by- line " ( to understand what is implied ) .

JOKOWI and National Examination

Minister of Education and Culture (Menikbud), Mohammad Nuh immediately held a meeting with Wamendikbud Musliar Kasim and ranks addressing the inclusion of the name of the Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in a matter of National Examination (UN) Indonesian, were tested on the first day.

"After this meeting I discuss it, because last night I have ordered to be investigated. Sitting his case is like, check it circulated about anywhere," said M. Nuh in his office.

It is said, it needs to explore this issue whether the name of the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Struggle fit into 20 types to the UN, or only in a few types. Moreover, it will be seen as well as what it's about distribution.

"We also have regional, every region is different (the exam). Thing about (Jokowi) that if there is anywhere in the region. Secondly, we look at who's making team test script, when the script is made," he explained.

Nuh predicts that contains the script to the UN Jokowi name was not made ​​last month, because the script already dipersiapakan since 6 months before the UN. Well, to trace this script, Nuh will also look at the lattice point.

"Thirdly we will see the lattice, the matter should not be made ​​out of the lattice. For more details, after this meeting about two hours (noon) I will convey to the public the principal case this issue. Later we will convey, "he described.

Asked sanctions, Nuh is not sure what the penalty will be given to the manufacturer about it. But he is sure that there are sanctions. Meeting discusses Jokowi name in the national examination will be chaired by the Minister of Education and attended Wamendik Musliar Kasim, the director general, including the Inspector General Inspector General Kemdikbud Haryono Umar.

Google kill your knowledge

The development of technology in the modern era Searchers very rapidly, especially in the development of the internet. Almost all fields such as education, industry, business, and others use internet facilities for the purposes of the work. One of the internet means that the most frequently used by Internet users around the world is a Search Engine or search engine information. With search technology users get all that you want, such as news, images, maps and other information. Ease of use is obtained in the search technology will provide a positive and negative impact for internet users. Necessary to use a precision search technology for the keywords entered will affect the results obtained. In addition to internet users seeking information about the cultural, political, economic and social areas of a country through search engines.

And one of the search engines on the Internet world is "Google". Who is not familiar with the name of this one. everyone in this world must have been familiar with this name, the search engine born from two students named Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they were students at Stanford University. they analyze a relationship with other web web, and they are thought to make the search engines to be able to make relevant relationships. Everyone will recognize these names, ranging from young children to adults must have known him. True, the majority of all the people that have considered the information google comprehensive in the world. I admit myself, on my own now believe that it is google it deserve to be the most complete information.

So how do apply google in order to really be a material positive information for us? easily find information by simply entering keywords or the core of the information needed, with Google services such as Google Earth, it can help geologists, and other users can see the locations searched, to find information quickly and simultaneously image and increase knowledge. Indeed, in these days of the all this technology all the information we were looking for was the average of the name google. Not surprisingly, Google became the number one  in the world. Why not, we look for things that are difficult in google for sure we will find it. But however we desire, we must know the ethics of using the technology. With the attitude that we have, we are expected to combine science and technology and IMTAQ, so we can run safely and well.

Surely that's the positive side of the Google Search Engine , which is always ready to provide the actual information to us . However , Google itself also has a negative side for us . For example, we opened or looking for things that are prohibited by religion . where the contents of the search technology that is not limited by age , sex , which is sometimes used for people who open a pornography site is not in the filter can result in access by all persons , other than that used by people who are not responsible for infiltrating into the archives cyber - archive confidential , as well as make some people for example students who are less motivated to think more in their job for students because almost all of the ingredients can easily be searched in the search technology . The impact of search technology in today's digital age that the role of the library as a place to read and search for information has been rarely used by students because it is a lot of media online search technology to obtain needed information . It can be seen that the perceived impact of search technology in which users have to be clever in utilizing search is needed , do not use the wealth of information contained in the search technology as a tool for something that is negative .

This is particularly striking in the realm of technology , Negative side of google that should be avoided to clear our minds rather than vice versa purification and opening the mind to see the sites that do not reflect the goodness and can damage morale .

Besides, it has occurred among young people is a cadre of the nation , it is expected that the young people to always use a search engine ( Google ) properly . Apart from this it is also the role of the parents are also expected to supervise fully the attitudes and behavior of their children in the use of technology .

Therefore , with the technological advances we have to be very clever to use the search engines ( including Google ) properly without any dirty thoughts to abuse it . Thus Google will be able to provide actual information , both negative and beneficial to us if we use well too . If not , then it will get the loss and kemudhorotan for us if we menyaahgunakannya . Think yourself to reflect on ourselves in order to become a perfect human.

How to became The Detective

Detectives are investigating a person of a crime, either as a police detective and a private investigator. Private investigators usually work commercially and requires a license. Informally, especially in fiction stories, often described as a detective without a license are investigating a crime. Examples of famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, among others (written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) and Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie's essay).

For those of you who are interested in the world of detective, detective may wish to make as a job. Maybe you've found it easier than most people realize something, or never solved the case. Maybe you want to hone your deductive abilities.

Below are the steps into a professional detective or amateur detective
METHOD 1 Becoming a Professional Detective

1 . You have to be sure that the job as a detective is suitable for you . Being a detective in both private and government institutions both equally physically and emotionally demanding . You should always be alert at all times denfgan erratic working hours , you will often deal with a scene that could have been very disturbing . Question yourself , are you prepared to compromise with the consequences of this work .
2 . Earn a degree . If you want to become a top detective and got the important cases ang diprioitaskan , you might have to need a Criminal Justice degree and be great if at an accredited university ( not just lectures online ) .
3 . Learning the local language is also important , it will give a positive assessment of your boss if you can blend with the community . Reproduce in controlled language to be one of the valuable assets as well . Sometimes fellow ethnic people prefer to use their language in communication , making it easy for us to capture information at any time .
4 . Expand patrol time , to facilitate a promotion . You should gradually become a detective of the police patrol .
5 . Submit application nice and reassuring . When a detective when vacancies open , focus on your application to be your own self-promotion . Embed all the reasons why you are the best candidate , and discuss your ability that makes you suitable for the job . Reread any written submissions several times to correct , and ask your friend to read it for clarity of writing and spelling , if possible . Prepare yourself for the test , undergo evaluation and answer probing questions , like what your weaknesses .
Showed mental toughness throughout the process . Your ability to organize information in a coherent manner while depressing or withstand situations of protracted will be essential to become a competent detective . Show to your boss that you already have this talent .

6 . Maintain your morale . Make working atmosphere keep the spirit and not excessive , excessive morale must be accompanied by a lazy job , keep balance .

Now the second method , the most eagerly awaited
1 . Coaching ability of the eye . High observation capabilities are essential , notice the small details that many others miss . Small objects or variations when people talk . Being the eye of the eye itself :) , to train multiply games that force the memory to remember . Often notice your surroundings , even if there's nothing important to note . You probably will not know what you will see , and besides it was to hone your detective abilities . If you want , you can buy your detective kit equipment , such as a magnifying glass , binoculars , powder dust fingerprints and others.
2 . Hone your logic skills , a lot of practice with game - puzzle game . Such as Sudoku , anagrams , and try to play cryptography ( password ) .
3 . Notice what happens . Learn how to take important points in any event , although in the crowd try to find suspicious movements , such as hand movements are restless , slightly raised voice , facial expressions and note with whom he was connected , learn any human behavior around you .
4 . Know where you can find information . Notice of public records issues , know where the information is very important . especially in this modern era . The ability to get information on the internet to be one ability that is very useful for you .
5 . Learn the ability to ask , learn how to get the core of the problem without causing an uncomfortable feeling of being asked . Avoid questions with yes or no answer , focusing on the questions with direct answers and the original , such as " where are you at four o'clock this afternoon ? "
6 . Noted all the things that are important . Prepare a small book that you can carry it everywhere .
7 . Being invisible , you have to be smart as a detective in disguise abilities or unnoticed in the crowd , do not be conspicuous and suspicious . Always carry something that removes suspicion , such as a book or MP3 .
8 . Stay Safe , do not carry yourself in danger .

Monday, April 14, 2014

OCD Way of Life

OCD or Obsessive Corbuzier Diet is a new diet method introduced by Deddy Corbuzier. Illusionist admits he developed a dietary pattern that is inspired by the Shaolin monk diet.
This diet is not like a diet that is generally carried out by nutrition experts, that prohibits the perpetrator for eating breakfast. A common dietary the perpetrator instead advocated for breakfast, right?
In addition, OCD diet is also implementing a fasting with certain times such as 16 hours, 18 hours, 20 hours, and 24 hours. This pattern causes the the perpetrator should only be eaten disisa time outside hours of fasting. Usually the meals called 'Window Eat'.

For easier understanding, the following techniques are applicable in the Window Eat this diet OCD:

• Fasting 16 hours
This is the initial stage for those who are just learning to adjust to the diet OCD . Fasting 16 hours , mean time you ate only 8 hours ( 24 hours - 16 hours = 8 hours ) . Well , since you can not have breakfast , then eat when you should start after breakfast time , for example at 12 noon .
12 pm to 8 hours later , you are free to eat whatever you like , without any restrictions . Well , from 8 pm until 12 pm the next day you start fasting . However , you still should not drink , as long as the calories contained in these drinks is 0 . Water , tea without sugar , it is a drink that can be consumed .

• Fasting 18 hours
If you are already familiar with fasting 16 hours , then it could be increased to 18 hours . Same way . Start eating at 12 noon until 6pm. The rest of fasting without food , but should not drink .

• Fasting 20 hours and 24 hours
Same as above fasting mechanism . Fasting 20 hours mean time you eat just 4 hours . Being 24 hours , meaning you only have one meal to satiety , then fast again.

Deddy style diet is challenging the theory that has been widely believed nutritionists and bodybuilders. However, nutritional expert, Prof. Dr. Ir Hardinsyah MS believes OCD is applied both in the fat or excess fat and want to build muscle, also have an apple body shape.

However, in addition to body shape, the alias for those who were thin, OCD is not recommended!

Contact Lenses VS Glasses

Contact lenses or glasses better which i want? This question apparently often spoken of eyewear users who have been bored and want to move using softlense. Glasses or contact lenses are tools are used with the same function, namely to protect the eyes.

Why should that bother just to protect the eyes? Yep,, eyes are the windows to the heart of a person's eyes can tell you about everything without saying anything else could have already signaled their eyes means something. The eye is the grace of God that must be maintained, because it is you always want to make eye always looks beautiful. Sometimes the eyes are not always in good health, occasionally because of age or because of certain activities of our eyes become less power through it, then we are faced with two choicesthat eyeglasses or whether soflense.

Glasses is a device made from a device that supports the lens, usually used to help eyesight or eye-protecting and also for style. The glasses have a variety of models, if you just look at the first possible models of glasses monotonous, but with the times now becoming more trendy sunglasses and more styles and more choices, but sometimes the use of glasses to be uncomfortable, you sometimes feel dizzy and felt a lump objects the nose and your ears, when in a hot environment, often dewy glass or exposed to sweat.

Soflense, this is a new trend and are also another option for those of you who don't want to use glasses, soflense consists of colored to clear, varied colors of soflense there are plenty of options, even to softlense with unique motifs such as star motifs, cat's eye, the ball and others. But this need soflense use extra caution in treatment, contact lenses should always be cleaned and stored properly. If you are not sterile or not diligent in cleaning your eyes can be affected by irritation.

Softlens better than glasses if:
1. Prospective users do not have a history of allergies, because it was feared would not stand the chemical products used in contact lens care. If potential users have a history of allergies, you should consult with an ophthalmologist, is it okay to wear contact lenses or not.
2. Had never undergone eye surgery, especially those that result in changes in the shape / contour of the cornea. The use of contact lenses for those who have undergone eye surgery should have been approved by a competent doctor.
3. Did not have a deformity of the cornea is too flat / flat (cornea plana) and that too conical (keratoconus). Both deformity of the cornea will cause contact lens / contact lenses can not fit / installed base).
4. Did not have a lid abnormalities (eyelid) which complicates the insertion and removal of contact lenses, or contact lens that causes the position is not ideal.

5. Did not work in a dusty environment, high temperature, or even steamy chemicals (eg, gas station, car painting area, etc.).
6. There are cases of high anisometropia, the left and right eye requiring a different lens sizes jauh.Pemakaian contact lens in this case of course must also meet the above 5 requirements .

If the five conditions mentioned above can not be met, then the glasses will be a better solution than the contact lens. In cases of high anisometropia but can not meet the five requirements above, then the best solution is to undergo LASIK surgery, although for it also must meet several requirements again.

Following there are also strengths and weaknesses glasses and contact lenses.
- Can make the face more character.
- As a style and add to the appearance.
- It felt a lump near the nose and ears, so it is not uncomfortable.
- Disruptive activity
- When you are in a hot environment, often dewy glass or exposed to sweat.
When you select the glasses, you also have to choose a lens that will be used. Lens that is available in two options, that glass and plastic lenses. The advantages of glass lenses are thinner, but heavier and breakable. While plastic lenses are lighter and do not break easily, but thicker and easily scratched.

STRENGTHS softlens 
- More Comfortable 
- No foreign body in the face. 
- Adding style 
- The colors are beautiful contact lens, can make your eyes more beautiful. 

WEAKNESS softlens 
- Softlens always be cleaned and stored properly. 
- Sometimes can cause irritation if used more or less clean than 8 hours. you can look at the picture.

So ... Are u ready to use Contact Lense ?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

a single drop of water for your

Earth is composed of 70% water. All areas of human life in desperate need of water for agriculture, plantations, Industrial, Livestock and whatever is on earth. Water sources are maintained is the key of our lives.

Earth is the only planet that has water content covered two-thirds share of the water. But did you know that potable water to the entire population of the earth's number is less than 1 percent of the total water on earth?

maybe you should pay attention to and improve behavior in the use of clean water. Nearly half the world's population will face water crisis is predicted to occur in 2030. When the demand for clean water will jump 40 percent higher than existing water supplies.

Fresh water on earth is limited, there were only about three percent of the total available water. Of these 30 per cent in the form of water in the soil while nearly 70 percent in the form of icebergs and glaciers. There are only 0.3 percent of the fresh water on the surface of human beings that can be accessed directly.

Therefore appreciate the current clean water and not be wasteful use of water. Because the water that has been contaminated won't return as usual.

Sleep Well No Gadget

A good idea if you use a smartphone in the daytime to do a variety of many things such as browsing the Internet, get directions while driving, listening to music, or socializing with your friends.

But a research found that using a smartphone late at night before going to sleep when it is not really necessary is a very bad idea. And the smartphone won't only rob your sleep time, but it will affect your own health.

Despite has become a bad habit, it is estimated that 95% of people use different types of gadgets before bed, either for SMS, surfing the web, or watch TV. Maybe not all of them realize that doing so can make insomnia or difficulty sleeping. Especially if you make trouble sleeping so dreamy and serious thinking about a lot of things such as exams on campus or work.

So if you are one from the people who are regularly using a smartphone or tablet in bed at night, you should avoid or get rid your bad habit now !

Appreciate your rest time guys..

Saturday, April 5, 2014

This Bud's NOT FOR YOU !

For most people , maybe clean the ear with a cotton bud is a common thing . But in fact this is generally recommended .

Using a cotton swab to clean the ear can actually be done , it's just less effective . Because, when we try to clean the ear , pushed into the dirt come . So actually , we don'
t actually remove dirt from the ear . In fact, probably stack .

In addition to the other risk is when we clean the ears , it turns cotton swab left inside the ear . This may be due to too strong a cotton swab or cotton bud quality itself is less tight when installed .

Cotton swabs are less advisable to clean the ears . Because it can cause infection of the thin skin inside the ear when it is too hard to use. As well as the risk of approaching the eardrum .

Lately also appeared ear wax that reportedly can help clean up our ears . However, caution must also use this as a kind of wax when it clears , there is pressure in the ear is quite influential in the sense of hearing .

Well , then what we have to clean ears ? Basically our ears were able to clean itself . Dirt will dry and hard , then come out by itself . The use of a cotton swab in the area of ​​the ear should be more secure .

So.. Be healthy Girls..

You are beautifull Ukhti..

Are you use a hijab? and do you often feel less beautiful with women who didn't use the hijab? calm down ukhti .. even though you veiled, does not mean can not look beautiful. To fulfill these needs, then feel free to wear cosmetics. There are many types of cosmetics and brands offered in the market. But, it could be you are confused determine the selected item and how to use it. In fact, the biggest question is the suitability to your personality as a woman who wears a headscarf.

Well, to answer your doubts, there are some practical tips that will be described below.

1. Avoid wearing foundation that is too thick.
For everyday makeup just use two way cake powder type. Powder of this type has a dual function as a foundation as well as a powder, so it seems more simple and soft. Use a foundation that really the same as the color of your skin to give the impression of more natural and stay natural, though at touch up a few times.

2. Use eye shadow matching with the color of clothing that will be used.
Avoid the use of continuous brown because this color can also give the impression of worn or dull.

3. Use the eyelash curler and mascara to accentuate your eye.
For bottom lashes eye liner can be used light brown or white. To avoid the impression of stern, then do not wear black mascara on the bottom lashes.

4. Your eyebrows also need attention.

The eyebrows are still a mess needs to be brushed and trimmed with clear mascara. Smoothed eyebrows can give the impression of proportional area of the face, especially the distance between your eyes. When smoothed brow outward appearance may be added a little light brown eyebrow pencil.

5. For the the nose section.
You can do the shading technique by means of applying a light brown powder which is outlined in the second area of nose bones to give a sharp impression. Special for you who have a rather large nose tip, you can outsmart by adding a bit of brown powder in order to give the impression of a more sharp or sleek.

6. Lisptick usage.
Basically, wear lipstick according to your taste or color of the clothes you wear. To beautify the lips as well take care of, you can use a lipstick that contains moisturizing and gives the impression of gloss on the lips.

7. Shading on the cheek.
For those of you who have chubby cheeks memorable, make it look more gaunt, you can outsmart by using shading. How to put blush peach or pink onberwarna from the bottom of the cheek bone to cheek area.

Did all the steps and see what happens .. You will look more beautiful Ukhti..
Good luck!

Friday, April 4, 2014

What is Bermuda Triangle ????

Bermuda Triangle, sometimes also called Satan's Triangle is an area of ​​ocean in the Atlantic area of ​​1.5 million or 4 million km2 mil2 who formed a line between the Bermuda triangle, the territory of the United Kingdom as a point in the north, Puerto Rico, U.S. territories as a point in the south and Miami, Florida, United States of America as a point on the west.

Bermuda Triangle is very Mysterious. Often there is the issue of the paranormal in the area stating the reason for the loss of ships passing events. Others say that it is a natural phenomenon that should not be crossing the region. Some are even saying that it was all due to act of extraterrestrials. So what you think about Bermuda triangle in Islam?

There is a hadith that Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet had said: "When one is in place that will open or amid the sun is shining, shading and shadows so that part of her is a hot place and partly in a cool place, then let him stand up or leave the "say this prohibition because the place like it was the most favored by Satan. So what connection with the Bermuda Triangle???

The reason for the Bermuda Triangle is located in the waters of the Atlantic in the middle between the continents of North America and Africa. This location is easily encounter the two regions of Africa and the heat flow from the cool North America. With this hadith then terjawablah bermuda triangle mystery. Strange case happened was certainly partly due to heat and cool pertembungan between Satan and palaces which may be hidden there..

According to Shaykh al-Imam M. ma'rifatullah Throne, the Bermuda Triangle is a place on earth farthest point. In the middle of the area there is a lake where the water can make anyone who drank it became a long life, the place also Nabiyullah U.S. Khidzir guard reigns as the source of living water. Syaitkh priest M. M said that rescuers end of the Age of the Mahdi will come out of Ghaibnya through the site by using sacred vestments bluish

So what causes the loss of a wide variety of ships on the ground ? ? ? According to Imam Shaikh M again , the devil and the Satan who can not approach the center of that great region , they also guard around him and aims to deter any man who tries to enter the great region ( Bermuda Triangle ) . Due true that anyone can get to place the midpoint of the Bermuda Triangle area , then he would know the truth of nature's true .

Many ancient people who have tried to center the Bermuda Triangle and most of them are reluctant to return home to his world. According to an ancient article, King Alexander the Great ever tried to get into the great area for those returning it.And say that the place has sand and stone diamond jewels. The place is filled with a thick white fog was very beautiful to look at but very dangerous to go. Allahu'alam ... All Natural back to the Creator Allah, because actually Allah is the most know what exactly the bermuda triangle.


Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight search that did not produce results sparked much speculation, including business associate these events with myths. One of the myths that arise, such as commonly associated with cases of missing plane or boat, is about the Bermuda Triangle. This time, the term Bermuda Triangle of Asia.

Have you ever heard of the Bermuda triangle asia ? Yes Bermuda triangle is one of the lines that exist in the Asia region . As we know there is a word search on Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 which recently suffered an accident at the time of passing through the Bermuda triangle . It turns out that this accident happened is still not produce results and it raises a lot of speculation that the odd and even associate it with the myth that has always believed to be a very mystical powers .

According to a narrative that is done by the paranormal in Malaysia , namely the Grand Master Mat Zain Ibrahim . He said that Malaysia is lost due to air in the hide by supernatural beings . As it passes through the Bermuda triangle line is this is a direct plane disappeared and was not found .

One of the famous sites in the world was reported that the disappearance of the plane belonging to Malaysia is also reportedly on the right when crossing the line side of the Bermuda triangle . This is indeed the very thing beyond human logic . But indirectly we have to believe this .

As we know the location of the Bermuda Triangle is located in ASIA and even since 1964 are well known and very popular . At the time there really is an author Charles Berlitz that says in the Bermuda Triangle area has a very powerful force and has a very strong magnetic power if we cross this area .

Myth in society that makes many speculation emerged and everyone considers this to be true . But as we know , this is not always one we interpret as interference supernatural beings . All of this is the will of the Almighty and God only knows what the cause of the loss of this Malaysian-owned aircraft .

Not only is currently only at moments before, they had lost a lot of ships in the region and all disappeared without a trace even if the missing aircraft or ship that crashed there must carcass but as we know so far there are no wrecks or aircraft that none could be found .

This is the power of God Almighty .