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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Beautiful and Rilex with Music

The music was beautiful and delicious! Music can change our bodies: PHYSICALLY, mental, and even chemically. Music has long been known as a great therapeutic tool. It has been scientifically proven that music can help prevent, alleviate, and heal a variety of diseases and irregularities in body and mentally. Music also makes you look at life more positively, to help better work performance, becoming a better human being and fun. 

Music is not just sound, but an air vibration (vibration) that is harmonious. Musical harmony which is equivalent to the internal rhythms of the body, the hormone will trigger the "good" in our body and provide a sense of relaxed, comfortable, quiet and happy. Now, the vibrations of the sound wave therapy can influence the internal rhythms of the body to be re-balanced (vibration normal and healthy).

The rhythm of the music cadence quickly will make our bodies work more quickly, and vice versa. Therefore, if you are among those who move fast, work with deadlines, and high stress levels - you can neutralize body rhythms get you with slow tempo music listening. If the vibration and harmony used in a proper song, the listener will feel comfortable and relaxed.

Effects endorphine & Convenient
Music not only lowers levels of a chemical that "ugly", but can also raise levels of chemical substances that are "good" for the neurotransmitter hormone tubuh.Endorphine is "good" that helped carry impulses in the brain, is also responsible for making us feel comfortable. This hormone is a drug that is naturally produced by the body to give us the feeling of happy / unhappy. By playing music, the production of these neurotransmitters can be improved. "Not surprisingly music lovers generally kept happy, hanging out, have a pleasant personality, and youthful huh? Amen ... So many people who say everyday is Sunday for musician hehehe "

Melatonin and Sleep 
In addition to making us feel better, the music can also help us fall asleep. This time the production of hormones that are stimulated hormonmelatonin, which controls our sleep patterns. Generally, the body produces this chemical to allow us to sleep soundly. Perhaps this is one reason why rhymes bobosukses make babies fall asleep. Lullabies have a very important role in learning and concentrating. 
In one study, elementary school children in Taiwan participated in listening to soothing music for 45 minutes before they sleep. In effect, they show real progress in sleep patterns, namely quality sleep better and longer sleep time.

What Happens When We Sleep In ?
When we sleep , the body perform the necessary repairs . Discarded toxins and cell / tissue redeveloped . The brain processes stress , tension , and anger experienced by the body in a state of wakefulness and reduce the negative effects on body systems . When we live in a poor quality of sleep for long periods , then our physical and mental health will be disturbed . Lack of sleep will result in decreased productivity , ability to carry out activities , enjoy life , and also decrease the performance and appearance of our work .

Lowering Cortisol & Stress
Direct exposure to music can dramatically decrease stress hormones such as cortisol carrier , so musicians have the mental toughness more solid and durable . The musicians and music lovers generally emotionally healthier than those who do not enjoy the music . They also have a higher confidence in doing things under pressure ( such as deadlines , exams , concerts , etc. . ) , As well as reduce the effects of dementia than others.

Great Way to Sleep
At the end of a busy day , soft music can help us relax in a fun way , without side effects and without the use of drugs . Try the following tips !
• First of all , all electronic devices in addition to a CD player or move aside Ipodharus yes ... at least 1 hour before bedtime
• Listening to classical music instrumental slow tempo , a lot of repetition . The repetition of the same tone will make the mind loses focus and drowsiness . For example : Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. . 1 and Claude Debussy - Claire de Lune , Prelude to the Afternoon of the Faune .
• Play a favorite music collection on CD or your Ipod . Avoid fast tempo music or who have a sudden tempo changes ! When the tempo and his character alike , will surely make people sleepy .
• Music from the natural sounds of nature , such as : the sounds of birds , water flow , thundering surf beaches , and drizzling rain . Natural voice has a relaxing effect and is able to evoke memories of a person .
• Listen to the sound of soothing and neutral , such as : installing a radio on a frequency between two stations - a place where you will get a hiss of static , reduce the volume . The same effect can be obtained by turning on the fan . When you consider the sound of people talking makes comfortable , look for radio stations with talk programs and the majority of the volume turned down . This neutral voices help dampen the effects of environmental noise , such as voice traffic or neighbors who do not know the time .
• Be creative ! Feel free to use some aroma - therapy candles and dim the lights ! Take a deep breath and just listen the music ...
You can experiment with yourself as well as your own child . Listen to soothing music ( mostly classical music instrumental rhythmic slow ) while read stories to your child . This will help bring the transition from super- busy activities for one day you become a situation that is relaxed, quiet until you can fall asleep . Please try ! " 'll Be sure to share so, who fell asleep first ... Which was read the story or read it ? hehehe ... :) "
This shows that we can adjust the body 's chemical balance through the intervention of music , in addition to medical drugs . Music also has a tremendous positive effect on one's physical and mental health . So , from now frequently enjoy music at any time ! It's good for your health ! 

So , just lay back relax and enjoy your time with the music .... See how it Affects and effects you ... Have a nice day , everyone !

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