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Saturday, April 26, 2014

oh my library

Interest in reading has been the one big problem for the Indonesian nation . Why not, when the public interest in Indonesia among the lowest in Asia .

Indonesian excel above only Cambodia and Laos . In fact, the lower the reading habit , disease ignorance and poverty would potentially threaten the progress and the existence of this nation . Worse yet, the lack of interest in reading is not only occurring in the general population , in elementary , junior high , high school , even in college was very low student interest in reading . This stands in stark contrast to the conditions in Japan .

Nowadays of course we have already seen how the progress of science and technology development in Japan . All this is because the Japanese government to prioritize the needs of the community reading material , especially school children and students , so no surprise if the library , especially on college campuses Japan , always crowded student .

Different from the conditions in Indonesia campus library , university library is no more just as a storage and display various collections of books and other reference materials . More ironically , the campus library is often used as a place for courtship , not a place to read and discuss .

As a college student and aspiring scientists , the library should be the most sought after , especially in finding a reference to making or completing tasks lectures .

Cultivating Interests Read

Factors to be the causes loneliness library , in addition to declining student interest in reading , as well as libraries can not keep up with the times by not meeting the needs of students . To meet the needs of assignments , students often prefer the instant way , namely search the internet .

Why the low student interest in reading ? there are six factors that cause :
( 1 ) learning system in Indonesia has not made ​​the student must read the book ,
( 2 ) the number of places of entertainment , games , and TV shows that distracts them from menbaca book , ( 3 ) reading culture had never inherited our ancestors , while still dominant culture said culture than reading , ( 4 ) a means to obtain readings like other libraries are still a rare commodity ,
( 5 ) the uneven spread of reading materials in various walks of life
( 6 ) and encouragement to read not grown since praperguruan higher education .

Library actually plays an important role for the creation of a culture of reading for students . The library is a bridge towards mastery of science , can provide an important contribution to the opening of access to information , as well as providing accurate data for making the reference sources for pengembangkan science . And all of it can only get by reading .

That's why the campus library should be designed in such a way so that the student and academic community more comfortable there . Libraries must be able to satisfy the thirst of the students are thirsty for knowledge in four ways .

First , add the library facilities and infrastructure , such as lack of facilities and internet network or wi - fi , reproduce discussion space , and improve the reading room . If this can be realized , it will certainly attract the attention of students visit the library.

Second , provide good service , friendly , and friendly . This is particularly important given the visitors are students educated . So if there is a service of the officers who were poor and unsatisfactory course they will protest and less comfortable in using library facilities .

Third , the availability of adequate collection of books . Collection of reading material ( books or literarur ) is the most important component for the library . Collections are expected to possess a minimum of a library book is a must for any subject taught and the amount should be sufficient . According to Education Minister Decree 0686/U/1991 , every basic subjects and skills courses should be provided two books shall be the number of copies of at least 10 % of the number of students taking the course .

Fourth , create a reading on campus climate . Conducive academic environment will encourage students to be diligent to the library . It can be done , for example by means of the lecturer giving reading assignments for students .

If the library can provide good service and provide a wide range of needs required literature , the student will come to the library a lot . Such environment can not be created by the library alone , but must cooperate with the entire campus community

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