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Monday, April 14, 2014

Contact Lenses VS Glasses

Contact lenses or glasses better which i want? This question apparently often spoken of eyewear users who have been bored and want to move using softlense. Glasses or contact lenses are tools are used with the same function, namely to protect the eyes.

Why should that bother just to protect the eyes? Yep,, eyes are the windows to the heart of a person's eyes can tell you about everything without saying anything else could have already signaled their eyes means something. The eye is the grace of God that must be maintained, because it is you always want to make eye always looks beautiful. Sometimes the eyes are not always in good health, occasionally because of age or because of certain activities of our eyes become less power through it, then we are faced with two choicesthat eyeglasses or whether soflense.

Glasses is a device made from a device that supports the lens, usually used to help eyesight or eye-protecting and also for style. The glasses have a variety of models, if you just look at the first possible models of glasses monotonous, but with the times now becoming more trendy sunglasses and more styles and more choices, but sometimes the use of glasses to be uncomfortable, you sometimes feel dizzy and felt a lump objects the nose and your ears, when in a hot environment, often dewy glass or exposed to sweat.

Soflense, this is a new trend and are also another option for those of you who don't want to use glasses, soflense consists of colored to clear, varied colors of soflense there are plenty of options, even to softlense with unique motifs such as star motifs, cat's eye, the ball and others. But this need soflense use extra caution in treatment, contact lenses should always be cleaned and stored properly. If you are not sterile or not diligent in cleaning your eyes can be affected by irritation.

Softlens better than glasses if:
1. Prospective users do not have a history of allergies, because it was feared would not stand the chemical products used in contact lens care. If potential users have a history of allergies, you should consult with an ophthalmologist, is it okay to wear contact lenses or not.
2. Had never undergone eye surgery, especially those that result in changes in the shape / contour of the cornea. The use of contact lenses for those who have undergone eye surgery should have been approved by a competent doctor.
3. Did not have a deformity of the cornea is too flat / flat (cornea plana) and that too conical (keratoconus). Both deformity of the cornea will cause contact lens / contact lenses can not fit / installed base).
4. Did not have a lid abnormalities (eyelid) which complicates the insertion and removal of contact lenses, or contact lens that causes the position is not ideal.

5. Did not work in a dusty environment, high temperature, or even steamy chemicals (eg, gas station, car painting area, etc.).
6. There are cases of high anisometropia, the left and right eye requiring a different lens sizes jauh.Pemakaian contact lens in this case of course must also meet the above 5 requirements .

If the five conditions mentioned above can not be met, then the glasses will be a better solution than the contact lens. In cases of high anisometropia but can not meet the five requirements above, then the best solution is to undergo LASIK surgery, although for it also must meet several requirements again.

Following there are also strengths and weaknesses glasses and contact lenses.
- Can make the face more character.
- As a style and add to the appearance.
- It felt a lump near the nose and ears, so it is not uncomfortable.
- Disruptive activity
- When you are in a hot environment, often dewy glass or exposed to sweat.
When you select the glasses, you also have to choose a lens that will be used. Lens that is available in two options, that glass and plastic lenses. The advantages of glass lenses are thinner, but heavier and breakable. While plastic lenses are lighter and do not break easily, but thicker and easily scratched.

STRENGTHS softlens 
- More Comfortable 
- No foreign body in the face. 
- Adding style 
- The colors are beautiful contact lens, can make your eyes more beautiful. 

WEAKNESS softlens 
- Softlens always be cleaned and stored properly. 
- Sometimes can cause irritation if used more or less clean than 8 hours. you can look at the picture.

So ... Are u ready to use Contact Lense ?

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