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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sleep Well No Gadget

A good idea if you use a smartphone in the daytime to do a variety of many things such as browsing the Internet, get directions while driving, listening to music, or socializing with your friends.

But a research found that using a smartphone late at night before going to sleep when it is not really necessary is a very bad idea. And the smartphone won't only rob your sleep time, but it will affect your own health.

Despite has become a bad habit, it is estimated that 95% of people use different types of gadgets before bed, either for SMS, surfing the web, or watch TV. Maybe not all of them realize that doing so can make insomnia or difficulty sleeping. Especially if you make trouble sleeping so dreamy and serious thinking about a lot of things such as exams on campus or work.

So if you are one from the people who are regularly using a smartphone or tablet in bed at night, you should avoid or get rid your bad habit now !

Appreciate your rest time guys..

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