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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Google kill your knowledge

The development of technology in the modern era Searchers very rapidly, especially in the development of the internet. Almost all fields such as education, industry, business, and others use internet facilities for the purposes of the work. One of the internet means that the most frequently used by Internet users around the world is a Search Engine or search engine information. With search technology users get all that you want, such as news, images, maps and other information. Ease of use is obtained in the search technology will provide a positive and negative impact for internet users. Necessary to use a precision search technology for the keywords entered will affect the results obtained. In addition to internet users seeking information about the cultural, political, economic and social areas of a country through search engines.

And one of the search engines on the Internet world is "Google". Who is not familiar with the name of this one. everyone in this world must have been familiar with this name, the search engine born from two students named Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they were students at Stanford University. they analyze a relationship with other web web, and they are thought to make the search engines to be able to make relevant relationships. Everyone will recognize these names, ranging from young children to adults must have known him. True, the majority of all the people that have considered the information google comprehensive in the world. I admit myself, on my own now believe that it is google it deserve to be the most complete information.

So how do apply google in order to really be a material positive information for us? easily find information by simply entering keywords or the core of the information needed, with Google services such as Google Earth, it can help geologists, and other users can see the locations searched, to find information quickly and simultaneously image and increase knowledge. Indeed, in these days of the all this technology all the information we were looking for was the average of the name google. Not surprisingly, Google became the number one  in the world. Why not, we look for things that are difficult in google for sure we will find it. But however we desire, we must know the ethics of using the technology. With the attitude that we have, we are expected to combine science and technology and IMTAQ, so we can run safely and well.

Surely that's the positive side of the Google Search Engine , which is always ready to provide the actual information to us . However , Google itself also has a negative side for us . For example, we opened or looking for things that are prohibited by religion . where the contents of the search technology that is not limited by age , sex , which is sometimes used for people who open a pornography site is not in the filter can result in access by all persons , other than that used by people who are not responsible for infiltrating into the archives cyber - archive confidential , as well as make some people for example students who are less motivated to think more in their job for students because almost all of the ingredients can easily be searched in the search technology . The impact of search technology in today's digital age that the role of the library as a place to read and search for information has been rarely used by students because it is a lot of media online search technology to obtain needed information . It can be seen that the perceived impact of search technology in which users have to be clever in utilizing search is needed , do not use the wealth of information contained in the search technology as a tool for something that is negative .

This is particularly striking in the realm of technology , Negative side of google that should be avoided to clear our minds rather than vice versa purification and opening the mind to see the sites that do not reflect the goodness and can damage morale .

Besides, it has occurred among young people is a cadre of the nation , it is expected that the young people to always use a search engine ( Google ) properly . Apart from this it is also the role of the parents are also expected to supervise fully the attitudes and behavior of their children in the use of technology .

Therefore , with the technological advances we have to be very clever to use the search engines ( including Google ) properly without any dirty thoughts to abuse it . Thus Google will be able to provide actual information , both negative and beneficial to us if we use well too . If not , then it will get the loss and kemudhorotan for us if we menyaahgunakannya . Think yourself to reflect on ourselves in order to become a perfect human.

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