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Saturday, April 26, 2014


Trafficking in Indonesia is a very complex problem. Children are trafficked to work in the relatively long working hours and prone to physical, mental, and sexual. They have no support or minimal protection from outsiders. Their health is also threatened by sexual infections, alcohol and trafficking drugs.

Addressing the problem of child trafficking does not only involve a single institution, but must involve all stakeholders in society, that is government agencies, LSM, community organizations joined in a partnership that is strengthened by government regulations, the minister's decision not to co-same deal with the problem of child trafficking. Another conclusion one factor driving the trafficking of children is the inability of the education system and the community to maintain the children to stay in school and go on to a higher level. Officers villages and districts that assist children trafficked counterfeit ID cards also be the primary driver of child trafficking. To resolve this issue the necessary legal instruments or stricter policies effectively prevent counterfeiting ID card.

Factors Against Child Exploitation
The children not only to be in a bad state of the environment, but they were deemed not appropriate when measured from the rights of children. Parents still considers that only women are in the domestic area. Girls do not need a high school, because ultimately only back to the house, to the kitchen, well, and bed to serve her husband. As a result, school dropouts is high. The daughter then became migrant workers, prostitutes, waitress cafe, or PRT.

Based on the description of the exploitation of children by parents is characterized by:
a. Women are in the domestic area so do not need a high school.
b. Son is a family asset.
c. Make the children as prostitutes is not understood as a crime
d. The habit of prostituting her child

Prostitutes Demand Factors
Whole money is not solely caused by the driving factors, but also because of the demand for prostitute. Request prostitute is a need to fill the sex industry tend to make the children as the main target. Money is made possible because of the role of touts and the pimp. Network of touts and pimps in prostitution supplier YY portrayed as the village below.
Based on these descriptions, the effect of an impact on the demand for money prostitute characterized by:
• The touts and pimps are part of the trafficking of children for prostitution network that provides candidates whole money to meet the demand for prostitute.
• Request prostitute is a need to fill the sex industry tend to make the children as the main target.
• touts and even pimps are citizens of the village with the money thus simplifying the entire candidate information, shipping, and communication touts and prospective prostitute.
• touts and pimps have a large capital money that can meet the needs of poor people money immediately.
• touts and pimps are very actively seeking candidates shed money because they benefit financially. All costs of the recruitment process and the delivery charged to residents who drop money as debt. This suggests factors against child exploitation.

Community efforts
With the support of the ILO , Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation ( YKAI ) did Programme Prevention of Child Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in the Labor and Indramayu district . The purpose of this program is :
1 . Improving the quality of education from primary school level up from high school to expand enrollment boys and girls in two districts
2 . Supporting the sustainability of primary education for girls after primary school
3 . Provide basic skills training to facilitate the increase in income
4 . Provide entrepreneurial training and access to financial credit to facilitate their own business
5 . Changing attitudes and thought patterns of family and community against child trafficking .

The core of this program prevented children of prostituted women by seeking :
1 . Increasing children's participation in education , both formal and non-formal ,
2 . Provision of employment opportunities , and
3 . Awareness of society to prevent trafficking of children for prostitution

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