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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

i'm not the fanatic Alicious

Hi .. I want to tell you about things that I like at the moment. the Film of "Ganteng-ganteng serigala" the first rating at the moment. and especially i want t tell you about one of the actor in  this film. he is Aliando. I love him. but I'm not like the other Alicious that more acting and an anarchist girl. ok let'sthe biodata of my honey sweety ali :)
Ali was born in Jakarta on October 26 1996 and the full name is Muhammad Ali Syarief
Born of the descendants of Arabic and Padang. His mom is a actrees too. his dad was died.
I love him because Ali have good face ( handsome ), sexy voice, and multi talent. he can acting, playing guitar, drum, violin and an also sing. i love his voice.
most of the the characters he played in the film are grumpy but very sweet to the girl.
especially on the "ganteng-ganteng serigala" in this film ali as Digo. and have a girlfriend, sisi. they can make the sweet chemistry and the audience smile alone like a crazy people.
and i heard Ali go out of his high school when a class 2 .. because he felt more comfortable with the world of entertainment. he was not able to compete in academics because they do not have the ability. but in the world of entertainment he felt could compete ddan have talent. ali feels more alive and a lot to learn in this world.
some time ago on the shooting location some fanatical fans desperate to break the fence location. even because of this incident manager and the director was angry with Ali. I'm very pity on him. I really don't like with the fans like that with ali. I like ali, just loving him. not until glorify exalt him. but I still love my honey sweet ali :* hihihi

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

forgive me honey ?

Women are often confused how to dampen the emotions of men and stroking his ego right ? Not only men are often confused when a woman overflowing with emotion. Women also had often thought what should I do to get him back to normal when the emotion is booming.
Below I want to give How to persuade your partner angry

Explanation The Calm
Because women usually do not know what to do when a man is emotional, so a lot of women who actually make things worse. Making men more emotional moods and furious to the spouse, or maybe you are one of the woman.
When there is a problem try to give an explanation to the calm and reasonable. if you still want to continue your relationship. and If you can not, then be prepared to face the world war 3 with him.

Talk Can Reduce Emotional Tone Men
When explaining calmly must be accompanied with a subtle tone. Not a few women who managed to explain calmly and reasonable, but as a curt tone, nyolot, Songong, and that any other title. Finally, rather than dampen emotions, even more pissed. If you look in a big-eyed cat in Shrek, so in front of her face show. Since it is very difficult to emotion on something that is so sweet and funny.

The woman is a creature with a very high prestige. Because prestige is too high, I was reminded of a similar sentence of a Sunday school song. "As high as the heavens are higher the higher-prestige you". Do not be too proud to admit your mistakes. If indeed you are wrong, admit and apologize ya. Not at all apologetic self esteem dropped. That is to say that the way you continuity of this relationship is more important than maintaining the prestige.

Seducing And Bring Her passion
Once you've done all three, it is time to seduce and bring her favorite! After doing the above three actions certainly make his emotions subsided, this is a good time to give her favorite and smooth seduction. Because today I'm excited and also very peaceful mood, then I will give one example of a situation and how to do it.
If his place in the house, cook what she really likes. If I can cook guns? It is mandatory you did ya learn to cook. Yes it guns may fit first fight I continue to learn new cooking dilanjutin again Wing? Yes invite go to places that she loved, could also go to the place you first date. You have to seduce and then then give his favorite. Do not be reversed!
"Honey, do not get angry again yes, I'm also already apologized and admit wrong. If the grumpy continue Myspace fade handsome loh .. Nah! Now you must be hungry deh, his energy was just right kebuang angry, I masakin your favorite foods yah .. (while give you the best smile) ".
Something like that conversation that you must say. Do not ask again want to or not made. Immediately to back!

Hug And Kiss
The latter is the most powerful moment of you ladies! Combine these moves with the four elements, then you will see results! Once again I remind you, because he was shallow, hugs and kisses alone was able to reduce his emotions. Let's continue with how to do it. Having given his favorite, give hugs tight and say "I love you" then closed with a kiss.

okay for a couple who were have a problem with your spouse, i wish you can aplied my tips.
Good luck!

Your Spouse Cheating ?

Is he began sending text messages or rarely has been rarely gather with family and friends again at the weekend? Well, maybe he had the other of  "happiness".

Keep your distance.
Began to feel within, or rarely reply to short messages, or always have a reason to refuse when asked to communicate via Skype. Whereas previously always took time to Skype or always reply to messages quickly.

Rarely met / Lazy gather with family and friends or with you.
On weekends, he often took time to meet family or friends. But if then he started rarely gather and meet family and friends, so he can begin the road to the other.

Likes to play phone / smartphone.
When the he more frequently send a short message, even when there beside you, could be suspected that he was reciprocated message or chat with the others. Especially if the cell phone and then when prompted him to rush to delete the message or lock the cell phone.

Phone secret.
There are a few occasions with dinner or street, suddenly the he received a call and away, as if he were receiving a private call to perkejaan affairs. Once or twice is not what, but that many times lest why not work anymore.

Have distance with friends.
The he of course had a friend or a close friend. If usually she often communicate and get together, and in the past month started not berkabar, lest he is "friend" others.

Start searching for your mistakes.
The he started to discover and find fault with you, so you are in position awry. Though there is nothing wrong at all, in fact there is no need to issue a water vapor.

New friends of the opposite sex.
The he was so excited when a friend told me about his new in office or at the gym. Body language and eye beam can not lie, if the he was so excited when telling his new friend. Well, it never hurts to find out.

Recognize the signs of the other, of the smell of perfume, for example.
Every now and then he must have forgotten that the perfume can be very pungent odor. Please check, whether the fragrance mixed with other fragrances, or entirely new. If he does not use the usual perfume she wore, then there is a new fragrance, whether its

Changing appearance.
His performance is more fresh, with a fresh face, style of dress younger, and a new hairdo. For whom the appearance of this new department, that's suspicious.

Quickly / often angry at you
Usually he will sooner or frequent angry / often fight about things that actually not so important .. whether the current path, the road to meet, and more with you ...
Though only trivial things ..

Vegan vs Vegetarian

If you already know between a vegetarian diet, and if you already know what the vegan diet? let's see different of them

Vegetarian :
Vegetarian is the practice of a diet that excludes meat (including game and slaughter by-products; fish, shellfish and other sea animals, and poultry). There are several variants of the diet, some of which also exclude eggs.

vegetarians are divided into several types :

The term Semi-Vegetarian is usually used to describe someone who is a vegetarian who consumes dairy products, eggs, chicken, and fish, but does not consume other animal flesh.

Ovo-lacto vegetarians are Vegetarians who do not consume meat, poultry, fish, and seafood, but do consume eggs and milk. This is the largest group of Vegetarians.

Ovo-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who would be a vegan if they did not consume eggs.

Lacto-Vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who would be a vegan if they did not consume milk.

Vegan :
Veganism is a philosophy and compassionate lifestyle whose adherents seek to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. Vegans endeavor not to use or consume animal products of any kind.
Normally Vegans do not consume meat, eggs, milk, honey or any food that is derived from animals.

Black Campaign, No! Negative Campaign, Yes!

Does anyone know the difference between negative campaign and black campaign? and what the connected with Jokowi and prabwo our presidential candidates ? let us see..

The fundamental difference is black and negative campaign on the content or campaign material. Meanwhile, negative campaigns are campaigns that real material existence or occurrence ever.
Black Campaign or negative campaign is a call for the type of activity the campaign materials are not in accordance with fact or making it up. Black campaign here represents a term that is bad, the ugly, the point should be shunned. Furthermore, its use is defined in the campaign disfigure political opponents. However, the actual can also be interpreted as a bad campaign. The contents tend to contain slander campaign and could not be verified.

NEGATIVE CAMPAIGN: If the material is valid and correct, then the name campaign negative campaign, and this makes ghibah is allowed because of the great serious benefits for Islam and the Muslims as one of the candidates to explain badness.
The key, if the news a lie then called a black campaign, while a negative campaign if the campaign is a real material existence or occurrence ever (fact)

Negative campaign continues to burden presidential candidate from PDI Struggle Party, Joko Widodo, and Gerindra Party, Prabowo. Based on the results of the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI), the negative issues that could potentially take the vote in both presidential and vice presidential on the next election.

below the negative issues about Jokowi and Prabowo :
Jokowi :
*Jokowi known as a doll candidate of Megawati Sukarnoputri
*Jokowi also considered to lie because it does not keep its promise as the Governor of Jakarta during the period up to 2017.
*Jokowi allegedly involved in the procurement of TransJakarta bus.
*Jokowi defending minorities and ignoring the interests of the majority of Muslims.
*Jokowi considered slow thinking.

Prabowo :
*cases of human rights violations such as kidnapping activists in 1998
*Prabowo is not harmonious family
*Prabowo temperamental behavior and likes to use violence,
*Prabowo was judged to be a success because of its loss and have a lot of debt.

Black campaign does not always provide benefits to the candidates. However, it should be noted that black campaign is not always successful and smooth.
So, black campaign can generate positive or benefit support. But if indicated slander black campaign, it's going to happen would prejudice for the pass it. Black Campaign can be a negative campaign if it is proven and there is clear evidence of beneficial. Black campaign should be avoided, that needs to be done is a negative campaign - to expose the real facts of the case and a track record of excellent presidential candidate Prabowo and Jokowi the evidence presented is reasonable and should be encouraged. The goal is that the people are not one choose to elect a president.

However, it should be noted that during the campaign period before the presidential election pileg 2014 and 2014, then the outcome of the entire campaign of black, white, and negative campaign can be concluded. The conclusion is: Prabowo suggested as a candidate for human rights offender and Jokowi suggested as a candidate that is not clear.

Monday, June 9, 2014

How to be an Interpreter

become an interpreter you must to have :
1 . Language skills than average
2 . Good interpersonal
3 . dedication
4 . cooperation
5 . flexibility
6 . Appropriate appearance

1 . Have a Good Background Language Education
To be a good translator required educational background language , the language of education in which the person will absorb the sciences related to the language such as vocabulary , grammar , and so forth .

2 . Has a Talent For Translators
Translation is an art in a series of sentences translate the source language ( source langage ) into the target language (target languange ) without losing the essence or meaning at all it contains . Only people who have a special talent with a background of good language education alone can be a translator .

3 . experience has
Experience can be the best teachers to further develop the ability of an interpreter . It is recommended for all those who want to start a career as an interpreter to further enrich your experience by joining the bureaus language translation services to become a freelance translator . Armed with the experience of an interpreter will certainly gain added value in the future and not impossible to be a professional translator .

4 . Understanding the Sector Skills Translating
A good translator will be able to understand the skill areas in kuasainya and not force myself to translate the other fields that are not under their control . For example , if you are a translator who used to deal with language translation legal matter , do occasionally force myself to translate the technical language translation materials .

5 . Endeavor to Become a Professional
Predicate to be a professional translator is the dream of all those who work as translators . For that , set your hearts and prepare mentally to constantly strive to produce maximum results berkualiatas translation for the achievement of customer satisfaction and with attention to timeliness .

6 . Always Maintain Customer Trust
The main key to success of a good translator or professional translator is able to maintain the confidence of its customers by constantly presenting the results of translation quality and timely .

7 . Learning Continues To Sharpen Capabilities
Never stop learning and honing your skills in translating . Many ways can be done so that we can continue to learn and hone our skills in the field of translation , one of which , bagung forums or communities online translators both inside and outside the country .

Barbie Girl

Are you like the barbie ? when I was child, i really like it. playing everytime dress it with many dress. when I was a kid I really like barbie girl song. the lyrics are very funny made ​​me very interesting.

Hi Barbie
Hi Ken!
Do you wanna go for a ride?
Sure Ken!
Jump in...

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on Barbie, let's go party!

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly
You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,
Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky...
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

(uu-oooh-u) [2x]

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
(uu-oooh-u) [2x]
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
(uu-oooh-u) [2x]

Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees
Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,
Hit the town, fool around, let's go party
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
(uu-oooh-u) [2x]
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
(uu-oooh-u) [2x]

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
(uu-oooh-u) [2x]
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
(uu-oooh-u) [2x]

Oh, I'm having so much fun!
Well Barbie, we're just getting started
Oh, I love you Ken!

the voice is very spoiled and unique. I love this song until now


hi .. this time I will share some of my favorite songs with deep meaning in my life. The first song is frozen, sountrack of "frozen" movie. This movie tells the story of the queen of a kingdom that has a magical power that can control the snow around it. film that has a lot of meaning in life and inspirational.

a life lesson to keep hoping and dreaming even though there is no hope in logic to make it happen. olaf is a snowman made ​​by the queen elsa and want to live in the spring under the sun. Snow is extremely unlikely as olaf to survive under the hot sun.

Queen elsa is very beautiful queen. I'm happy with the her dress very elegant and cool colors.

the true love of princess anna.the story of anna give us learna about love, love is not always about the person who meet you at the first time but the person can make you comfort and enjoy.

the snow castle made by queen anna it's amazing palace. when she built his palace with snow magic its very extraordinary beauty. sparkle and blue colors on the castle into a beautiful and cool impression. very amazing.

below are the lyrics of a song from frozen. let's read guys !

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,
not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried.
Don't let them in, don't let them see.
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.
Well, now they know!
Let it go, let it go!
Can't hold it back any more.
Let it go, let it go!
Turn away and slam the door.
I don't care what they're going to say.
Let the storm rage on.
The cold never bothered me anyway.
It's funny how some distance,
makes everything seem small.
And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do,
to test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong, no rules for me.
I'm free!
Let it go, let it go.
I am one with the wind and sky.
Let it go, let it go.
You'll never see me cry.
Here I'll stand, and here I'll stay.
Let the storm rage on.
My power flurries through the air into the ground.
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back; the past is in the past!
Let it go, let it go.
And I'll rise like the break of dawn.
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand, in the light of day.
Let the storm rage on!
The cold never bothered me anyway...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

“Broken Heart Syndrom

 "Life without love os like a tree without lossoms or fruit"By kahlil gibran. you know the tree is never beautiful without blossoms or fruit, and we know that love is perfectly life. “Love is where unseen and unsaid things merge with each other where silence is thirsty of happenings” love is a place where all feel true perfection.
When was the last time you feel love ? or maybe you are feeling love right now ? are you happy ? exactly, because love is feel who make we happy, always smile nd everything gonna be oke. When boy and girl falling in love, Usually the boy and girl will have dating and later the boy will ask the girl to a relationship with him. It’s a thousand of  falling in love your
How may of you ever feel the love or relationship with special someone ? in the morning when you wake up, you say greeting on your phone or social media  “good morning honey” right ? and then “ what are you doing now ?” and what happen later. If your boyfriend or girlfriend cheat with other person. What are you feel ? are you still happy ? it’s broken heart right ?  maybe the girl will crying all the night until her eyes big. But the boy maybe won’t cry like. The boy or girl everything that they expression, they feel the same thing “broken heart”
It’s hard to imagine someone getting to adulthood without experiencing the pain of a broken heart.  It’s all part of living life and forming relationships.
I remember the boy in high school who said, “I don’t think so” when I called to ask him to date after all this time I was close to him. and at the same time the boy even dating with another girl. This is the worst experience and made ​​me a broken heart exactly.

Do you know there are about 1 percent, or 10,000, from 1 million reported cases of congestive heart failure occur each year in the U.S. actually experiencing broken heart syndrome. It is not known how many people died from the condition.
Today i would like to explain about broken heart syndrome
Let’s start with the meaning and history of boken heart
Broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition that's often brought on by stressful situations, such as the death of a loved one. People with broken heart syndrome may have sudden chest pain or think they're having a heart attack. In broken heart syndrome, there's a temporary disruption of your heart's normal pumping function, while the remainder of the heart functions normally or with even more forceful contractions.
Broken heart syndrome may be caused by the heart's reaction to a surge of stress hormones. The condition may also be called takotsubo cardiomyopathy, apical ballooning syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy by doctors.
Now we know the meaning of broken heart syndrome, let’s start with the history.
In 1980, there are reported a series of murder victims who had been emotionally and physically traumatized prior to their deaths. At autopsy, no internal injuries were identified, but most of the victims had died from the deleterious effects of catecholamines on their hearts, and they referred to the condition as “human stress cardiomyopathy.”
in 1997 reported two cases of reversible Left Ventricular dysfunction precipitated by acute emotional stress.

In 1990, japanese physicians who observed that certain patients with heart attack-like symptoms had a left ventricle shaped like a fishing pot used to trap octopuses, named this syndrome as takotsubo cardiomyopathy tako tsubo are octopus traps that resemble the unusual pot-like shape of the stricken heart, And then in February 2005 several of the patients had presented following the death of a loved one,So, the name “broken heart syndrome” was also introduced.
Women are at greater risk for experiencing Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy than men.In fact, women are seven to nine times more likely to suffer from broken heart syndrome. Most victims are postmenopausal women above 50 years of age. Using a federal database with about 1,000 hospitals, Deshmukh found 6,229 cases in 2007. Only 671 involved men. After adjusting for high blood pressure, smoking and other factors that can affect heart problems, women seemed 7.5 times more likely to suffer the syndrome than men.
The  broken heart syndrome causes a sudden release of adrenalin, the “fight or flight” hormone. The sudden outpouring of adrenalin causes arterial spasm including the coronary arteries supplying the heart. Blood pressure and heart rate increase. The body is calling for more work, yet the blood supply to the heart, which has had no time to warm up, is decreased.
Some people who experience sudden or prolonged periods of stress may develop a condition that feels very similar to a heart attack. In reality, they may have “broken heart syndrome” which is clinically referred to as Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy.

Symptoms of this syndrome include:
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness
  • Cold sweating
  • Irregular heart beat
Because symptoms are so similar to those of a heart attack, physicians may have difficulty diagnosing a patient correctly without the proper tests.
Though the experience can feel similar to a heart attack, there are considerable differences between the two conditions.
With a heart attack, there is permanent damage done to heart muscle. Some of the heart muscle dies when blood can't get to it, and once that tissue is dead, it's never going to be alive again and With broken heart syndrome, patients come in with heart muscles that look extremely weak. They're not pumping blood well at all, but the cells of the heart are still quite alive. The heart muscle over the course of a few days to a couple of weeks usually completely recovers.
There is no specific treatment available for Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, although often you may receive treatments for a heart attack, such as aspirin, in the early stages.
If you are found to be at high risk of a heart attack you may be prescribed medication to try and reduce this risk, but otherwise you will not need any further medication or treatment. Unlike other types of cardiomyopathy, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy cannot be inherited.
Broken heart syndrome can definitely be life threatening in some cases. Because the syndrome involves severe heart muscle weakness, patients can have congestive heart failure, low blood pressure, shock, and potentially life-threatening heart rhythm abnormalities. The good news is that this condition improves very quickly, so if patients are under the care of physicians familiar with this syndrome, even the most critically ill tend to make a quick and complete recovery. i believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. that myth is more potent than history. that dreams are more powerful than facts. that hope always triumphs over experience. that laughter is the only cuure for grief and i believe that love is stronger than death. but do not let love make you dead. Safe your own guys.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Another world tree gate

The roots of two large trees are connected to look like a giant door. The people there were calling it a 'gateway'. Some climbers make their favorite tree visited when Slamet mountain climbing. This tree can be found in the mountain forests Slamet, Central Java.
This tree is said often associated with mystery and a gateway to another world.

The unique of The Root Bridge

The root bridge is estimated to have been about 100 years old . The bridge was constructed by assembling the roots of two trees each of which grow on either side of the river . Many of these trees are kubang tree ( ficus sp ) that grow around the river where the root bridge is built .

It is said that this bridge was designed by a scholar named Pakih Sokan . Construction of the bridge is done in an effort to connect the two villages are separated by a river . Construction of the bridge began in 1890 and can only be used by the local society in 1916 . In other words , the process of knitting roots into this bridge takes approximately 26 years .

The root bridge is quite unique , because woven from the roots of trees growing on both sides of the river , thus forming a bridge intact . This is different from regular bridge built using a mixture of cement , sand and iron .

In addition , the other is the increased strength keunikanan bridge bridges with age . This is different from regular bridge that will age more and more fragile .

With a length of 25 meters , the root bridge is longer than the existing bridge on Bedouin roots , West Java and the root bridge in Japan .

Tourism is located approximately 88 miles south of the city of Padang , precisely in the District of Bayang , South Coastal District , West Sumatra .

The journey to the Root Bridge attractions can be reached by using public transportation, travel , rental car or a private car . If using public transport , the journey starts from the city of Padang to Painan ( the district capital ) . Then , of Painan proceed to the district. Bayang . If the tourists use Sewan cars or private cars can go directly to the location of attraction .

Since the attraction is not so much the city Painan ( the district capital ) , for the tourists who come from out of town can stay at hotels and resorts in the city . In this city there are also many restaurants serving the cuisine of Padang dishes that can cure hunger tourists .

At the location of this attraction , there are some small stalls that provide soft drinks and instant noodles . It's good for the tourists bring their own foods to be enjoyed in the shade of a tree in the vicinity of Attraction

Leaved Stone is Real

Leaved stone referred to in this story is a big rock shaped leaves that lie on top of a hill in the Moluccas . According to the story , the stone has a mouth that can open and shut again and can swallow anyone . One time , the leafy stone swallows a grandmother . What happens next ? Check out the story in a story following the Stone Leaf !

Once, in the coastal region of Maluku , there lived a grandmother with two grandchildren who are still small . The first grandchild was 11 years old , while the youngest was 5 years old . Both children were orphaned because their parents had died when searching for fish in the sea . Today , both children are in the care of his grandmother .

To make ends meet , working grandmother collecting forest products and fishing on the beach . The result is never enough for them to eat . Fortunately, the neighbors often kind enough to give the food to be eaten with a second grandmother to her grandchildren .

One day , the sea visible at low tide, the waves seemed calm . These conditions are usually a sign that many crabs are stranded around the coast . The grandmother also took two grandchildren to the beach to catch crabs .

"Son , let's go to the beach looking for crabs , " asked the old woman .

What a happy heart the boys , especially the youngest . He ran and jumped for joy .

" Hurray ... Hurray ... ! " The youngest carefree .

Arriving at the beach , they also began to put some traps ( a tool for catching crabs ) in some places . After a short time later , a grandmother traps mounted obtain a large crab trapped in it . The grandmother also told two grandchildren to go home first.

"Son , you go home first . Bring a large crab and boil it for our lunch later , "said the grandmother , " Capitannya leave for grandma . "

" Well , Grandma , " replied the first grandchild .

The two boys went back to the house with a feeling of joy . That day , they will enjoy delicious food . Arriving at the house , a large crab catch was immediately boiled them . After cooking , the crabs they eat with boiled potatoes . They consumed all. Following the instruction of his grandmother , the two children left claw crab .

After dinner , the boys went to play until the day before noon . When they return home , their grandmother was not yet well back from the beach . Meanwhile , the youngest newly arrived home suddenly feel hungry again .

"Sis , I'm hungry . I want to eat again , " whined the youngest to his brother .

" Did not you already eat ? Why ask to eat again ? "Asked her brother .

" I'm hungry again . I want to eat crab claw , " the youngest back whining .

" Do not , crab claw it to grandma !" Said the brother.

Although his brother had advised him many times , the youngest still whining . Because compassion , his brother was forced to take a piece of the crab claw . The youngest child eventually stops whining . However , after eating , he again asked the other crab claws . The sister was given .

Not long after , their grandmother back from the beach . The old woman 's face was wrinkled it looks pale . Apparently he was very hungry . Quick-quick he went into the kitchen you want to eat crab claw with boiled potatoes . How surprised he was when he saw her eating empty cupboard .

"Son . , Granddaughter ... ! " He shouted in a hoarse voice .

"Yes , Grandma , " replied the elder as he went to his grandmother , "What is it , Grandma? "

" Where's the crab claw grandmother earlier message ," asked the old woman .

" Ma ... sorry ... , Grandma ! " Replied the eldest nervously , " spent the Youngest crab claw . I 've tried to advise him , but he kept crying out for the crab claw . "

How disappointed hearts grandmother heard that answer . He was really upset because two grandchildren ignore the message . Without saying any word , the old woman left the house . With sadness , he walked to a hill . Arriving at the top of the hill , he then approached a large rock that looks like a leaf . People call it the rock -leaved . In front of the stone, the old woman sitting cross-legged in tears .

"O , stone . Swallow me ! "Cried the old woman , " There is no more need for me to live in this world . Both my granddaughter would not listen to my advice again . "

Leafy stone was not moved in the slightest . When grandma say his request for a third time , then rock it opens its mouth .

With a suction , the grandmother immediately drawn into the bowels of the rock. After swallowing the grandmother , the stone mouth shut again . Since then , the grandmother lived in the belly of the rock and never come out again .

Meanwhile , two grandchildren with a restless search for their grandmother . On arriving at the top of the hill , they just find their grandmother's fabric unraveled a bit in between the leafy stone .

" Grandma , do not leave us ! " Cried the eldest .

" I'm sorry , Grandma . I promise not to disappoint grandma again , " said the youngest with great regret .

The elder then asked the leaf stone in order to swallow them .

"O , leafy stone . Swallow us ! " Exclaimed the eldest .

Although both boys numerous times pleading , leafy stone it still will not open his mouth , until finally the two children asleep nearby. The next day , they woke up and again lament the passing of his grandmother . At that time , there happens to be a neighbor passing them on the spot .

" Hey , why are you here ? " She asked when she saw the two boys.

The eldest was told all that had happened to her grandmother . Therefore, the grandmother will not go back again , the neighbors also invites both children went home and then take care of them . Both children feel very sorry for his treatment of their grandmother . However , they made ​​it as a valuable lesson that the two boys had grown into a virtuous man .

Thus the story of the Stone Leaf Maluku . The moral to be learned from the story is that people do not want to follow the advice of parents like the two grandchildren that grandma will eventually get rewarded . Because do not want to hear the advice , they eventually abandoned by his grandmother . Another lesson is that a mistake can be a lesson for us to organize a better life in the future .

Bunut Bolong and mystery

 for you offer the bride and groom and there with a husband or wife .

That myth circulating among local residents about Bunut Bolong , the giant tree in the village Manggisari , District Pekutatan , Jembrana . This location is about 2 hours drive from Denpasar .

Bunut Bolong actually a giant tree that became hollow bottom road . This alternative road connecting the Jembrana and Buleleng , western and northern Bali .

Residents call for Bunut Bolong hole in the middle . This hole can pass through the car . Bunut Bolong is a tree whose middle Bunut old roots and perforated for highway drivable vehicle . Next to it there is a temple with a memorial monument at the same piodalannya Bunut this Bolong .

Because this appeal , Bunut Bolong even included as one of the attractions by Jembrana . Locals also make it one place for a walk or just hang out .

Attraction is about 11 km from the village market Pekutatan on the highway Denpasar - Gilimanuk Denpasar
Towards Bunut Bolong location of the provincial highway is full of palm trees green landscape , then cocoa and clove trees in the hills . The more uphill , the temperature colder . Sometimes looks ahead to the thick fog in the Bunut tree locations .

Like many other unique things , there is a story or myth that accompanies . Some residents believe the road under the tree passed brides abstinence . If passed , it is feared failing marriage before or after the event .

Therefore , for example, there is a bride and groom , the bride lived in Jembrana and men living in Buleleng , then when the bride picked , they are not going through the streets under the tree this Bunut .

Other taboos , street under a tree is not allowed to bring a group of death as car bodies or procession . This is perhaps because of this tree made ​​its way on both sides of the monument .

To that end , local residents make a tree beside the road for those who believe that taboos

Green Canyon Weat Java

Cukang Taneuh or Green Canyon ( Canyon Green ) is one of the attractions in West Java which is located in the Village District of Cijulang Kertayasa , Kudat District ± 31 km from Pangandaran . This canyon is formed from soil erosion due to watershed Cijulang for millions of years to penetrate the cave with stalactites and stalaknit dazzling and flanked by two hills with rocks and foliage of trees presents unique natural attractions and challenging .

At the mouth of the cave there are waterfalls Palatar so that the atmosphere in this attraction feels so cool . Activities to do including climbing cliffs , swimming , boating while fishing . To reach this location travelers can use the many boats available at Pier Ciseureuh , both outboard boats and paddle boats . This attraction adjacent degan Batukaras attractions and airport Nusawiru .

Green Canyon name was popularized by the French in 1993 . However , Sundanese people call the Green Canyon as Cukang Taneuh or in Indonesian means Land Bridge . The name Green Canyon is also a pun on the name of the Grand Canyon in Colorado , United States .Green Canyon if you depart from Jakarta , the best path is through the use of a car Bandung to Tasikmalaya . From Tasik , there are two paths that can be taken , which passes east through Tasik City , Kudat , Kota Banjar , Pangandaran , Parigi and Cijulang . This path has a distance less than 170 km . The second path is the path south past City Tasik , Cipatujah , Cikalong , then Cimanuk Cijulang , with a distance of approximately 60 km .

Although shorter route south line is not recommended for those who want to quickly get to the Green Canyon . Activity pacing iron sand trucks at the track resulted in severely damaged the south path and make longer trips .
That the goal is to resemble a cave tunnel under land bridge , known as the Green Canyon Cave . To reach the cave , you must use a boat down the river Cijulang . This boat is only able to be boarded by five passengers . Do not forget to prepare enough money when you visit the Green Canyon , because in these places there is no ATM . Boat is the only transportation from the pier to the Green Canyon . If you want to swim then you are charged extra . We recommend that when you are here to bring the group to be jointly and boat rental costs could be lighter . While the time it takes to travel that starts from the pier to the caves Ciseureuh over 30 minutes .

On the side streams Cijulang we can enjoy climbing hills overgrown with lush green trees and rocks that decorate it . The journey will not be boring because of the beautiful scenery and relaxed enjoying the river flow . The boat ride can also create unique , especially for the kids who enjoyed the water .

When almost there , the path will be narrowed so that the boat had to take turns to enter this path . There is also a regulator that gives direction to the boat driver that can drive an orderly manner . If you do not want to queue do not come on the weekend , because the weekend is pretty much the number of visitors . However , if you are on vacation time only on weekends should come in early . Green Canyon is open from 07.30 until 16.00. Approaching the mouth of the cave , the boat no longer be able to deliver us and the group was not possible because the path traversed .

Beautiful scenery awaits us after getting off the boat . We can enjoy a solid side cave to see stalactites and stalagmites are still dripping water . Water continuously issued in the cliff so the area is referred to as the eternal rain elapsed areas . We can also swim in the cave by using the buoy . We will feel the water is cool and refreshing . More beautiful scenery while watching the waterfall Palatar contained in the Green Canyon Cave . Swim in cold water while enjoying the high cliffs and see stalactite and stalagmite definitely an experience that is not terlupakan.O yes , do not come during the rainy season . Because it is probable Green Canyon closed due to rising water discharge . The best time is during the dry season , because the river water is green, clear and calm .

Bantimurung The Hidden Paradise

One more charm of a beautiful natural sculpture on Indonesian soil . Karst Bantimurung located Sulawesi has a matchless beauty and extraordinary natural charm . Bantimurung Karst region is the second largest area in the world after South China . This set of limestone mountains forming the sculptured contortion that surely will make you chuckle in awe of this natural masterpiece .

From Jakarta , transport aircraft can take is from Soekarno - Hatta airport to the Hassanuddin ( Napier ) . Then travel from Hassanuddin Airport continued to Jl . Pioneer Independence using the airport bus . From Jl . Independence Pioneers you should take public transit to Terminal Power . Public transport in this place called pete - pete . Pete - pete does not have a number or code such as public transportation in general in Java , so you have to look at the purpose lanes windshield pete - pete this . Furthermore, from Power terminal , you have to go to the Market Maros . And from Maros Market you can ride pete - pete into Bantimurung National Park .

To get into the National Park Bantimurung you have to pay Rp 15,000 , - but to enter into a beautiful chalk cave you are not charged again . If you do not bring a flashlight , you can rent a place for Rp 20,000 , - or petromak for Rp 50,000 , - In the cave you will be treated to a view of stalagmites and stalactites were amazing . Not only that , Bantimurung is also famous for its so-called " Kingdom of the Butterfly " . This is due to the hundreds of butterflies that used to gather in this area . This place is home to 84 species of colorful very interesting . The place where these butterflies gather often referred to as Kesikebo ( white sand ) . In the afternoon thousands of butterflies will arrive and form a row or group on the banks of the river between the falls . The number of butterflies is caused by moisture this area fits perfectly with the butterfly .

In this place you will also witness the graceful waterfall Bantimurung. Falling from a height of 10 meters and has a width of 8 meters, this waterfall is often used by tourists to bath water or simply play. Water flowing in the waterfall from the river Pattunuang that permeates the middle of the tourist park.

Visitors can also do white-water rafting with tires that are rented by the local community with a relatively cheap price. It is said that it is believed that the water from the waterfall Bantimurung has a property for the body, then a lot of people come in droves and bathing in it.

Offer you all the beauty of the karst, natural habitats and the only one of the many species of butterflies, and beautiful waterfalls and believed efficacious, why not visit Bantimurung?

kelimutu : lake 3 colours

Kelimutu is a volcano located on the island of Flores , NTT Province , Indonesia . The exact location of this mountain village Pemo , District Flores , Ende . This mountain has three crater lakes on top . The lake is known as the Lake of Three Colors because it has three different colors , namely red , blue , and white . Even so , the colors are always changing over time .

The third area of ​​the lake is approximately 1,051,000 square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters . Boundary between the lake was a narrow stone walls prone to landslides . This wall is very steep with a 70-degree angle . Lake wall height ranges from 50 to 150 meters . At dawn , the beauty of the lake three colors combined with morning sunlight . Misty morning air gives sensation for any tourist who wants to enjoy one of the tourist attractions in Eastern Indonesia .

Earlier this area was discovered by the lio Van Such Telen , a citizen of the Netherlands Mr. Mama Lio , 1915. Beauty is widely known after Y. Bouman describes in his writings in 1929 . Since then the foreign tourists started to come enjoy the lake known as anchor for the local community . Those who came not only a lover of beauty , but also researchers who want to know the nature of events that are very rare .

Myths that are believed by the local community is Lake Flores is home to the spirits of men who have died . The third lake has a name , colors , and functions respectively . Here is an explanation of three colors Kelimutu Lake in Ende , Flores .

Tiwu Ata Polo . The lake has an area of ​​4 hectares and a depth of 64 meters . The color often varies from red to turquoise . Local people believe that the lake is a funeral for his human spirits do evil magic .

Tiwu Nuamuri Koofai . Lake adjacent to the Tiwu Ata Polo has an area 5.5 ha and a depth of 127 meters . The color is almost the same as Tiwu Ata Polo . This lake is home to the spirits of the young people who had died .

Ata Tiwu Mbupu . This lake has an area of ​​4.5 ha and a depth of 67 meters . This lake green color blackish . This place is believed as the abode of the spirits of the community of parents who have died .

Rinjani feast for the eyes

The peak of Mount Rinjani Lombok is believed by the public as a place that is sanctified , and the lake Segara Anak guarded by Goddess Anjani . We got to thinking , what makes Rinjani become so important that protected both by humans and gods ? The answer is : a masterpiece of a view . Naturalness owned mountain into the main background scenery north of Lombok is indeed very worthy to be preserved and enjoyed . By Dewi Anjani and by us all .

Mount Rinjani has five climbing routes , each of which has a visual beauty and its own level of difficulty . Let's compare the two most widely bypassed by climbers : Senaru and service and routes Sembalun Lawang . The route from Senaru village shaped relentless climb . But along the way , we will be surrounded by green trees . When it passes through forest area and entered the top of the mountain area , look back and we will see the expanse of trees that sway gently in the breeze . Although uphill , these Senaru are the closest to the summit of Rinjani .

Sembalun Lawang are the most widely taken as novice climbers flatter contour . This trip will take us navigate the vast savannah grassland with pine forests . We are more free to look Lombok from heights because not covered trees . Difficulties usually begin to be felt when the lip of the crater began climbing the mountain Plawangan Sembalun , but this is actually a sign that we will soon be paid by the sight of the summit of Rinjani . ( The peak of this mountain Sembalun Plawangan lead us into the shoulder of Mount Rinjani . To reach the summit of Rinjani , simply take a straight road for 3-4 hours . )

Momentum summit attack ( 3,726 meters above sea level ) Rinjani is generally done in the morning so that when the time to coincide with the rising sun . After seeing the sunrise , our eyes will again be entertained when the crater Segara Muncar gradually illuminated by the sun . As if every beauty presented with his timing alone .

But the beauty of the third highest mountain in Indonesia, it's not over ( oh , far away from the ends ) . After we returned from the summit Sembalun , take the path to the right and we will get the biggest rewards hikers Rinjani , Segara Anak lake .

From the top , looking like Segara sea nymphs . The color blue once . Segara Chicks with vast stretches approximately 11,000,000 square meters . Water flows out of the lake is as deep as 230 meters , forming a waterfall in a steep ravine . Sometimes , the smell of incense or flower offerings were laid by the Hindu community will be caught one's nose, making the atmosphere feel more spiritual .

If you can camp on the banks of the lake , was great fun . Here hikers can lure carp and tilapia , and a hot bath . That said , Segara Anak Lake water containing sulfur can cure skin diseases , rheumatism and other diseases .

In 1944 , Dewi Anjani seem to want to add something new in Segara Anak . Thus, there was an eruption which gave birth to the New mountain ( or Barujari ) on the edge of the lake . Barujari mountain crater which has an area of ​​34,000 sq m this could be an alternative for you who are still not satisfied hiking , but was too tired to climb the summit of Rinjani . For the record , Barujari mountain erupted in 2009 and 2004 . So , do not forget to find out the status of the mountain from the guards , yes .

And that certainly would not be out of line on the way " to conquer " Rinjani is the beauty of the lake Segara Chicks .
Mount Rinjani National Park there is also a famous cave is 3 Milk Cave , Cave umbrellas , and Manik Cave. The most interesting is the cave Milk , which is known to be a medium to reflect oneself , often used as a place to meditate . According to local belief , those malevolent will find it difficult to enter the cave . The hole is narrow . In contrast , the noble-hearted man , clean inner and outer be able to enter there . Believe it or not , please try the Cave Milk is clear , the temperature is quite hot and smoky so that said suitable for curing all kinds of diseases in the body .

Gle Raja the King Mountain of Aceh

Soaring high into the sky in the mountains . The mountain is worthy of the name of Ge Raja , since fairly large and is like a king who was surrounded by soldiers. Gle Raja perched above an altitude of 1658 meters above sea level with the charm of a different nature than in the mountains of Aceh . For the name attached to it , Gle has a meaning as Raja Raja Mountain towering over the coast Krueng Raya , Aceh Besar , Banda Aceh , Lhong , and lamno Aceh Besar , Aceh Jaya . This mountain is an area that many common karst caves and underground rivers also become a supplier of the availability of ground water that is needed by the area beneath it .

For nature lovers , set foot to the summit of this mountain is a challenge and incomparable pleasure . Students are Lovers of Nature and Environment ( METALLIC ) Faculty of Economics Unsyiah hold for the umpteenth time exploring expedition challenging terrain presented Gle Raja headed to the peak . Nine personnel , the expedition team managed to arrive at the peak of the Gle Raja All 9 are located at coordinates N05 ° 22'30 , 8 " E095 ° 19'56 , 4 " with a height of 1658 meters above sea level .

Expedition team start climbing out of the door last jungle village of Lam Ara Tunong , Kuta Malaka subdistrict , Aceh Besar . The expedition lasted for nine days starting October 26 until 3 November 2013 .
The expedition team through a variety of terrain from tropical wet forest , mossy forest , shrub forest , up to the stoning area rock ( karst ) with rock category razor ( razor stone ) . Path taken in this expedition is quite difficult in addition to passing the rock crevices of rock , the team also had to pass through the gaps wells ( vertical cave entrance ) and climb the cliff rock ( karst ) .

The team found the triangulation pillar ( mountain peak marker ) Dutch colonial T.3330 glow on the rock in one piece . The results of the team's observations , the pillars made ​​the Netherlands in 1938 is led by Endo Marsose originating from Medan . The data obtained by the team from the body pillar .

Gle Raja has the most late triangulation pillar created by the Dutch . According to data from the Dutch colonial triangulation pillar in the mountains of Aceh that was collected was made between 1931 to 1933.