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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Your Spouse Cheating ?

Is he began sending text messages or rarely has been rarely gather with family and friends again at the weekend? Well, maybe he had the other of  "happiness".

Keep your distance.
Began to feel within, or rarely reply to short messages, or always have a reason to refuse when asked to communicate via Skype. Whereas previously always took time to Skype or always reply to messages quickly.

Rarely met / Lazy gather with family and friends or with you.
On weekends, he often took time to meet family or friends. But if then he started rarely gather and meet family and friends, so he can begin the road to the other.

Likes to play phone / smartphone.
When the he more frequently send a short message, even when there beside you, could be suspected that he was reciprocated message or chat with the others. Especially if the cell phone and then when prompted him to rush to delete the message or lock the cell phone.

Phone secret.
There are a few occasions with dinner or street, suddenly the he received a call and away, as if he were receiving a private call to perkejaan affairs. Once or twice is not what, but that many times lest why not work anymore.

Have distance with friends.
The he of course had a friend or a close friend. If usually she often communicate and get together, and in the past month started not berkabar, lest he is "friend" others.

Start searching for your mistakes.
The he started to discover and find fault with you, so you are in position awry. Though there is nothing wrong at all, in fact there is no need to issue a water vapor.

New friends of the opposite sex.
The he was so excited when a friend told me about his new in office or at the gym. Body language and eye beam can not lie, if the he was so excited when telling his new friend. Well, it never hurts to find out.

Recognize the signs of the other, of the smell of perfume, for example.
Every now and then he must have forgotten that the perfume can be very pungent odor. Please check, whether the fragrance mixed with other fragrances, or entirely new. If he does not use the usual perfume she wore, then there is a new fragrance, whether its

Changing appearance.
His performance is more fresh, with a fresh face, style of dress younger, and a new hairdo. For whom the appearance of this new department, that's suspicious.

Quickly / often angry at you
Usually he will sooner or frequent angry / often fight about things that actually not so important .. whether the current path, the road to meet, and more with you ...
Though only trivial things ..

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