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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Carstensz Pyramid highest mountain in Indonesia

Who does not know of Mount Carstensz Pyramid is located in Papua . The snow-capped mountains is the highest mountain in Indonesia , and is one of the dreams for the climbers to be able to set foot on the peak .

Different sensation experienced climber , was climbing the mountain with snow repose was obtained in almost all the characters mountains in Indonesia .

Based on information collected from various sources Sindonews , snow is expected to shrink and dry up in 2024 , due to global warming .

The calculation is based on empirical data analysis is done using a linear approach Meteorology , Climatology , and Geophysics . So it is not impossible that one day it will lose the snow mountain as it did on Mount Kilimanjaro , Africa .

Carstensz Pyramid peak has an altitude of 4884 M above sea level ( 16023 ft ) . Location coordinates, located at 04 ° S 137 ° E 04 733 and 09 572 , located to the west of the Central Highland called Jayawijaya and mountains Sudirman . Many think that the peak is equal to the Carstensz Pyramide Jayawijaya , whereas the second peak is located adjacent .

In 1623 Navigator of Dutch John Carstensz be the first to bring the word to Europe about the existence of the ice caps in the tropical countries in the geographic equator line of West Papua New Guinea . The results of the report met with laughter by the public at that time . New in 1899 , an interval of three centuries of Dutch expedition was making a map on it confirmed what John Carstensz conveyed . Then immortalized his name in there .

This mountain is located in Indonesia , however, climbers who graced by exploring punggungannya instead mostly foreign climbers instead of the local climbers .

Did you know , every year there are approximately 200-300 foreign climbers explore this mountain , while the Indonesian climbers only dozens of people. It looks strange , but it is a fact that happened on the field .

Investigate a investigate local climbers constrained in terms of licensing . To climb this mountain there are two accesses , namely through Freeport and Ilaga .

Galina Donikara , a senior Wanadri mention to climb this mountain must have a recommendation from Office Affairs , Chief of Police , BIA - Indonesian intelligence , Menhutbun / PKA , PT Freeport Indonesia ( PTFI ) . If you want to pass Tembagapura plus of Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation ( FPTI ) .

" It should all be taken care of in Jakarta . Then in Jayapura , police chief recommendation of Bakorstanasda and must be bagged . In Timika , recommendations PTFI EPO and permission for the track facility . " Last in Tembagapura , coordination with the Emergency Response Group ( ERG ) for handling and Emergency Procedures Satgaspam apparatus to track security issues , "said the mountaineer expedition was incorporated in Indonesia - the '97 Everest .

The series of letters of recommendation is a long list that eventually many makes our climbers prefer climbing abroad. While access Ilaga , it takes even more costs and longer time to reach the base camp .

A seasoned adventurer from the city of Malang , Bambang Hertadi Mas , in 1987 had changed his mind and climb the peak Carstensz expeditions to Kilimanjaro prefer that exist in Tanzania .

At that time he commented , " Mending all outside ( the country ) , yet the costs and difficult permitting process is relatively not much different " .

climbing route

There are three main routes to reach the top of this Caratensz . The first is commonly referred to as route Harrer ( Harrer 's Route ) . These are the easiest to pass. Although it is easy , does not mean everything will be easy to conquer the peak Jaya .

Harrer 's route to travel up and down for about 12 to 15 hours . The level of difficulty ranges between 3-4 standard UIIA . Difficulties in taking this route is when under peak Jaya . The slope of the steep cliffs , up to 10-15 degrees as high as about - about 80 meters , requiring extra caution - caution .

UIIA standard states that the difficulty in this case is 5-5 + . Considerable experience and knowledge in terms of climbing is the main stock . The rock is quite robust and not prone to landslides / off . Difficulties that would be faced even greater when it reaches the jagged rocks that overhang the wall around 10 meters , with a difficulty level of 6-7 + standard UIIA . For beginner climbers this can be overcome by using Jumar as tool accessories.

The second route is the East Ridge . This route is halfway between Harrer and these are the most difficult . The path will go further and will certainly be longer.

The third route is American Direct . This route is a route that would travel straight to the top . These require skill , experience , and also adequate knowledge of Climbing . The worst of these are , the higher the degree of difficulty when approaching the peak , which is a steep cliff , a wall of peaks Cartensz .

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