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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

forgive me honey ?

Women are often confused how to dampen the emotions of men and stroking his ego right ? Not only men are often confused when a woman overflowing with emotion. Women also had often thought what should I do to get him back to normal when the emotion is booming.
Below I want to give How to persuade your partner angry

Explanation The Calm
Because women usually do not know what to do when a man is emotional, so a lot of women who actually make things worse. Making men more emotional moods and furious to the spouse, or maybe you are one of the woman.
When there is a problem try to give an explanation to the calm and reasonable. if you still want to continue your relationship. and If you can not, then be prepared to face the world war 3 with him.

Talk Can Reduce Emotional Tone Men
When explaining calmly must be accompanied with a subtle tone. Not a few women who managed to explain calmly and reasonable, but as a curt tone, nyolot, Songong, and that any other title. Finally, rather than dampen emotions, even more pissed. If you look in a big-eyed cat in Shrek, so in front of her face show. Since it is very difficult to emotion on something that is so sweet and funny.

The woman is a creature with a very high prestige. Because prestige is too high, I was reminded of a similar sentence of a Sunday school song. "As high as the heavens are higher the higher-prestige you". Do not be too proud to admit your mistakes. If indeed you are wrong, admit and apologize ya. Not at all apologetic self esteem dropped. That is to say that the way you continuity of this relationship is more important than maintaining the prestige.

Seducing And Bring Her passion
Once you've done all three, it is time to seduce and bring her favorite! After doing the above three actions certainly make his emotions subsided, this is a good time to give her favorite and smooth seduction. Because today I'm excited and also very peaceful mood, then I will give one example of a situation and how to do it.
If his place in the house, cook what she really likes. If I can cook guns? It is mandatory you did ya learn to cook. Yes it guns may fit first fight I continue to learn new cooking dilanjutin again Wing? Yes invite go to places that she loved, could also go to the place you first date. You have to seduce and then then give his favorite. Do not be reversed!
"Honey, do not get angry again yes, I'm also already apologized and admit wrong. If the grumpy continue Myspace fade handsome loh .. Nah! Now you must be hungry deh, his energy was just right kebuang angry, I masakin your favorite foods yah .. (while give you the best smile) ".
Something like that conversation that you must say. Do not ask again want to or not made. Immediately to back!

Hug And Kiss
The latter is the most powerful moment of you ladies! Combine these moves with the four elements, then you will see results! Once again I remind you, because he was shallow, hugs and kisses alone was able to reduce his emotions. Let's continue with how to do it. Having given his favorite, give hugs tight and say "I love you" then closed with a kiss.

okay for a couple who were have a problem with your spouse, i wish you can aplied my tips.
Good luck!

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