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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

misconceptions of hijab

Today many of the sisters who are still reluctant to hijab with specific reasons , including :

1 . Hijab is hard
Most sisters think that Islam is difficult and troublesome , one with pensyariatan hijab . According to them women are not free in Islam , women have always been within the confines of the norms to be followed .
Whereas in fact , Islam is compatible with human nature , all the demands of life in Islam and all human beings are also expected only in Islam . As we have seen , so many rich people who spend their money non- Muslims only to find peace of mind and comfort of living . But they could not find it because they are far away from Islam . Yet if if they join Islam ( converted to Islam ) and only ask help from God , then he will effortlessly find peace of mind as to what they are looking for .

2 . Hijab difficult to get a mate
Sisters need to know , that the hijab is one of the characteristics that the sisters are women Sholihah . And if the sisters wanted to get a pious husband , the sisters will not get it if it has not hijab ( veil for women is one of the characteristics Sholihah ) . And pious men will only look for women Sholihah , even the bad boys temperament will look for women who Sholihah . As the word of God :
والطيبات للطيبين والطيبون للطيبات
" And good women are for good men and good men are for good women ( too ) . " ( Surat an - Nur : 26 )

3 . Yet no guidance
Most sisters reasoned that God has not given to him for guidance hijab . The reason this is so diametrically opposed to the word of God in the Al - Quran :
والذين اهتدوا زادهم هدى وآتاهم تقواهم
" And those who seek advice and guidance of Allah , then Allah will reward of piety . " ( Surah Muhammad : 17 )
So that guidance should be sought not wait to sit on my hands alone . And a lot of things you can do to get the guidance , as is the case with many draw closer to God and pray to Him , then God willing, that guidance will come , because God is never wasted effort charitable and His servants .

4 . Rizqi Fear did not come
Allah says in Al - Quran :
وما من دابة في الأرض إلا على الله رزقها
" And there is no reptiles on earth but God was the one who gave rezkinya . " ( Surah Hud : 6 )
So , we as creatures of God do not have to worry about the coming rizqi , because in fact it is a secret rizqi God creature that no one knows when and where it will come good luck . God will bring rizqi from all sorts of sources and in a variety of ways that may not be terkirakan by His creatures . On the other hand , God also has manjanjikan happiness and ease in one's life if he is pious deeds , like the hijab .

5 . Hijab is not taqlid Shari'ah
Many people assume that the hijab is just a taqlid or went along , not shari'ah or the command of God to His servants . This assumption is contrary to the arguments of the hijab which we have explained above . So it is obvious that the Qur'an was the one who ordered us to hijab , not a mere taqlid .

6 . Faith is located in the heart
Many of the teenagers who reasoned like this , " Wear hijab later , her important first , " or " Wear hijab later than the later released again . " This statement is very ambiguous , not if we want to fix the heart ( mind ) then we need to fix his heart too ? As it is said that a person shows his inner heart .
So hijab is one way to repair and cleanse the liver , because the hijab would be to adjust to a growing sense , arranging hearts , attitudes and behavior with wearing hijab . Hijab is also the most straightforward simple worship . And from here , with the hijab , it will fortify itself from disobedience and kemungkaran common today such as sexual harassment and so forth .
So no need to wait for her good and clean for hijab , because we never know when death will pick up , and if death comes it is not gunalah any charity . Therefore, if hijab can be done at this time , so no need to wait for a good heart first, then with hijab hijab first we try to improve ourselves . Good luck !

7 . With the hijab as if back to the days of camel again
" Wearing the hijab ? no ! , not fashionable , not cool ! " Reason is usually often leveled by Muslim youth . They assume that the hijab , they can not move , can not express the way they want , and can not follow the current fashion trends nge - hits .
Actually, the hijab is not a good reason to claim that the hijab would die style , with hijab women can not express , even the fashion trend was nge - hits today are Muslim dress shirt . The proof , the brand ' Gucci ' ( one of a brand that has worldwide ) have introduced the Muslim clothing on the international scene

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