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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Leaved Stone is Real

Leaved stone referred to in this story is a big rock shaped leaves that lie on top of a hill in the Moluccas . According to the story , the stone has a mouth that can open and shut again and can swallow anyone . One time , the leafy stone swallows a grandmother . What happens next ? Check out the story in a story following the Stone Leaf !

Once, in the coastal region of Maluku , there lived a grandmother with two grandchildren who are still small . The first grandchild was 11 years old , while the youngest was 5 years old . Both children were orphaned because their parents had died when searching for fish in the sea . Today , both children are in the care of his grandmother .

To make ends meet , working grandmother collecting forest products and fishing on the beach . The result is never enough for them to eat . Fortunately, the neighbors often kind enough to give the food to be eaten with a second grandmother to her grandchildren .

One day , the sea visible at low tide, the waves seemed calm . These conditions are usually a sign that many crabs are stranded around the coast . The grandmother also took two grandchildren to the beach to catch crabs .

"Son , let's go to the beach looking for crabs , " asked the old woman .

What a happy heart the boys , especially the youngest . He ran and jumped for joy .

" Hurray ... Hurray ... ! " The youngest carefree .

Arriving at the beach , they also began to put some traps ( a tool for catching crabs ) in some places . After a short time later , a grandmother traps mounted obtain a large crab trapped in it . The grandmother also told two grandchildren to go home first.

"Son , you go home first . Bring a large crab and boil it for our lunch later , "said the grandmother , " Capitannya leave for grandma . "

" Well , Grandma , " replied the first grandchild .

The two boys went back to the house with a feeling of joy . That day , they will enjoy delicious food . Arriving at the house , a large crab catch was immediately boiled them . After cooking , the crabs they eat with boiled potatoes . They consumed all. Following the instruction of his grandmother , the two children left claw crab .

After dinner , the boys went to play until the day before noon . When they return home , their grandmother was not yet well back from the beach . Meanwhile , the youngest newly arrived home suddenly feel hungry again .

"Sis , I'm hungry . I want to eat again , " whined the youngest to his brother .

" Did not you already eat ? Why ask to eat again ? "Asked her brother .

" I'm hungry again . I want to eat crab claw , " the youngest back whining .

" Do not , crab claw it to grandma !" Said the brother.

Although his brother had advised him many times , the youngest still whining . Because compassion , his brother was forced to take a piece of the crab claw . The youngest child eventually stops whining . However , after eating , he again asked the other crab claws . The sister was given .

Not long after , their grandmother back from the beach . The old woman 's face was wrinkled it looks pale . Apparently he was very hungry . Quick-quick he went into the kitchen you want to eat crab claw with boiled potatoes . How surprised he was when he saw her eating empty cupboard .

"Son . , Granddaughter ... ! " He shouted in a hoarse voice .

"Yes , Grandma , " replied the elder as he went to his grandmother , "What is it , Grandma? "

" Where's the crab claw grandmother earlier message ," asked the old woman .

" Ma ... sorry ... , Grandma ! " Replied the eldest nervously , " spent the Youngest crab claw . I 've tried to advise him , but he kept crying out for the crab claw . "

How disappointed hearts grandmother heard that answer . He was really upset because two grandchildren ignore the message . Without saying any word , the old woman left the house . With sadness , he walked to a hill . Arriving at the top of the hill , he then approached a large rock that looks like a leaf . People call it the rock -leaved . In front of the stone, the old woman sitting cross-legged in tears .

"O , stone . Swallow me ! "Cried the old woman , " There is no more need for me to live in this world . Both my granddaughter would not listen to my advice again . "

Leafy stone was not moved in the slightest . When grandma say his request for a third time , then rock it opens its mouth .

With a suction , the grandmother immediately drawn into the bowels of the rock. After swallowing the grandmother , the stone mouth shut again . Since then , the grandmother lived in the belly of the rock and never come out again .

Meanwhile , two grandchildren with a restless search for their grandmother . On arriving at the top of the hill , they just find their grandmother's fabric unraveled a bit in between the leafy stone .

" Grandma , do not leave us ! " Cried the eldest .

" I'm sorry , Grandma . I promise not to disappoint grandma again , " said the youngest with great regret .

The elder then asked the leaf stone in order to swallow them .

"O , leafy stone . Swallow us ! " Exclaimed the eldest .

Although both boys numerous times pleading , leafy stone it still will not open his mouth , until finally the two children asleep nearby. The next day , they woke up and again lament the passing of his grandmother . At that time , there happens to be a neighbor passing them on the spot .

" Hey , why are you here ? " She asked when she saw the two boys.

The eldest was told all that had happened to her grandmother . Therefore, the grandmother will not go back again , the neighbors also invites both children went home and then take care of them . Both children feel very sorry for his treatment of their grandmother . However , they made ​​it as a valuable lesson that the two boys had grown into a virtuous man .

Thus the story of the Stone Leaf Maluku . The moral to be learned from the story is that people do not want to follow the advice of parents like the two grandchildren that grandma will eventually get rewarded . Because do not want to hear the advice , they eventually abandoned by his grandmother . Another lesson is that a mistake can be a lesson for us to organize a better life in the future .

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